Marlborough Mesa

Pig Out at the Park/+Posada FIRE

Posted in: Marlborough Mesa
Additional Information

I forgot to mention in my post that Becky Claycomb presented Kelly and Monett the $200.00 cash donation that was colleted at the picnic.

Monette was very gratefull and appreciative to all of Marlborough Mesa for thier help and kindness.

By Renee' Coelho
I agree

I would fully support giving all or part of the sign money to Kelly and Monet. Personally, I would have a greater sense of pride knowing that our neighborhood helped a neighbor in a time of need compared to having our name on a wall. But thats just my thought, the Focus Group has met and hashed this out and I can see where they are coming from as well.

By Kevin Biesty
Creative Minds

Marlborough Residents,
We live in a wonderful and supportive neighborhood with many creative minds. There are roughly 469 residential homes in our area. Our neighborhood has many issues , and a tragedy becomes our #1 concern to address. I support the original purpose of the sign money, and I support the alternate ideas for assisting Kelly and Monette. Once the assessment needs are made public by Kelly and Monette, this will allow neighbors to creatively contribute displaying individual and group styles!!!! Thanks for allowing me to express my opinion!!!!!

By Chauntel Dior Dean
Monette and Kelly Info

I have just spoken with both Monette and Kelly about the fire and their needs. They both were VERY appreciative of everything the neighbors have offered to do for them.

This is what they have told me:

Fortunately, they had the foresight to insure their home for 100% of its value. Since they just purchased it in December of 1999, they were fully insured both with structural damages as well as contents. They also had a rider that included additional living expenses as well as replacement cost values of items.

Monette had witnessed a close friend that underwent a very similar situation, so she and Kelly saw first hand what COULD happen were they NOT totally insured.

Their insurance has found them a home just inside the Chandler border that backs the canal which borders Marlborough Mesa! It is a home that has been completely refurbished and the insurance company will be furnishing it for them with furniture and necessities.

It seems as though they are both doing fairly well under these circumstances. There are a lot of ends to tie up, but this is something that only they will be able to do.

I did ask about the items, tools and equipment in the garage and if any of the neighbors could help if they needed to be moved. Monette said that she will be off work next week and will be more able to tell what they might need done. But right now, there is really nothing they can think of.

She did have a little ADVICE for all of us (just a few tidbits): They are finding this out the hard way. That is:

1) Should have pictures of the 4 walls in EVERY room in your home.

2) Shut all interior doors before leaving.

3) Never leave the dryer running.

4) Have an inventory of all household items.

If all goes well (but, it IS summer in Arizona) the insurance tells them they should be able to return to their home in approximately 3 months. Monette feels that it will be more like 6 months and they are anxious to return ... we shall see.

By Alma Jones
Mesa, Arizona 85210