Maverick Creek HOA

''Controlling Your Children''

Posted in: Creekview Estates-Forest
We are having a big problem with a number of children that run around after school and on the weekends that show no respect to the residents that live here.

These children have no parental supervision for one reason or another. Some of the parents work late or some just don?’t care what their children are doing.

These parents need to start controlling their children because many people are getting tired of all the trouble that these children are causing.

Control your children before they do some real damage or harm to someone, before we know it we will have our very own neighborhood gang.

heres a crazy idea how about you get a job and stop complaining about other people mabey the reason why people dont want to take care of their kids is because they actually work

jobs and theyre tired  


We are a both parent working family with two older children. I will admit that is one reason my children are never seen playing with the children you mentioned.  I know exactly the area you are speaking of.   I do not care to have my children pick up such unruly behavior at this very influential part of their lives.  The children that are out of control live a home life of the same manner. Those children are the product of their upbringing.  We need to pray about this and gain wisdom about what needs to be done.   


No job is more important than my legacy.  I am happy to say my child is worth my time in raising them to honor their elders and respect others personal space and property with lack of nothing. 



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  • Leah_
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heres a crazy idea how about you get a job and stop complaining about other people mabey the reason why people dont want to take care of their kids is because they actually work

jobs and theyre tired  


In response to the above comment; I'll have to say that it is a SAD DAY when a person will say they "don't want to take care of their own kids because they actually work".  Children are supposed to be a parent's MOST important responsibility regardless of work or any other activities. Everyone has to work for a living and if you are a parent there is NO excuse to neglect your own children's up-bringing just because you have a job, YOUR CHILDREN ARE YOUR JOB!. It was your decision to bring a child to this world and it is YOUR OBLIGATION to educate your children to be productive members of society. Your neighbors and the rest of society have NO obligation to put up with your children. My suggestion to the neighbors that are suffering as a consequence of ill-behaved children is to start calling the police department and start filing complaints against the children and their irresponsible parents.

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