Maverick Creek HOA

Drive-By City Marshals

Posted in: San Antonio TX

Well, its raining today, and I park my car on the curb in front of the house. I had to move my boat to the driveway, thanks to some City Marshal some 8 years ago. My wife parks her car in the driveway next to the boat. I have been parking there for eight(8) years. Not a peep or complaint. 3 years ago a City Marshal cited me for my tree overhang less than 14 feet. I complied and was $600.00 poorer for it.


Today I found a ticket from a City Marshal. He could have rung my doorbell and give me the courtesy of advising me of my violation. I could barely read the ticket, but it appears I am closer than 20' to a crosswalk...I measure it to be 18'. This dufus's badge is 9642.


I hate the City of San Antonio. This town is Podunk, as Charles Barkley observed. BexarMet has gone down in flames thanks to City inner clique.


I wish all of the City of San Antonio to burn in Hell.



Hello home owners...this is Damon Bailey the Life safety specialist for the San Antonio area! We all no crime is up and no neighborhood is safe! Hawk wants to partner with home owners/HOA giving a free presentation for home safety tips! This month of October all systems come with a free hawk eye front door camera FREE!! Call for your free presentation and let HAWK protect your home when you're not! Ask how you can receive your monitoring for FREE ALSO..... Damon Bailey Life Safety Specialist (210) 609-2136 Technology of the future in the palm of our hands!
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