Meadowbrook Association, Inc.

Getting Rid Of the HOA

Posted in: Meadowbrook - Bexar County

Home owners of Meadowbrook its time we take a stand and take back our lives.  We all have good judgement and seem to exercise it well. So why pay a company $190.00 a year to act like nazis.  There are ove 800 homes in this subdivision and that totals $152,000 a year that spectrum gets , and for what. What has this company done for you? Except write letters because you are on vacation and left your trashcan out. Pay $8000 on flowers for the entrance to the neighborhood, and $3000 a year to water them.  Its time we make a stand, and unite for what is right.   

If any of you agree please feel free to email me at   


I agree this is worthless, they don't even change the burned out lights in the entrance, at this moment there are 5 lamps and 1 lamp to the sigh that have been out for months, so why are we paying $3,489.67 a year and this hasn't even been taken care of, also they whip there hand clean about the issue of slowing the traffic down through the subdivision and cracking down on the loud car stereos i.e. "boom boom music" with there wall vibrating noise.

  Your truly James Payton

Looks like ai'm a bit late on this. I've been a homeowner here for just over a year now, and i got my first itemization from Spectrum on how much we pay in and where it goes. I was totally blown away. I'm a servicemember and an American, but this fee reminds me of pre-revolutionary war America where the British would charge people money for taxes and things but never saw any improvement in living conditions or overall quality of life. I would think with over 152,000 dollars a year being paid to this company, we would get a bit more out of it than an outdated park with crappy equipment and no swimming pool and an unlighted entrance with a few flowers on it. Come to think of it, the sign has never said anything other than "welcome home" for the past two years. Does this association ever sponsor any kind of community events? I've not seen one thing advertised since i've been living here. I've gotten one newletter that had a bunch of "not to do" things in it and weak ad saying we can use another homeowner's asscociation's swimming pool........FOR A FEE!! The county does the road work. They maintain the street signs. Bexarmet and CPS provide power and water service. WHAT are we paying these people to do? I just don't get it. We're paying them to tell us what not to do. That's all i see. They need to exercise thier muscle and work with the local authorities to crack down on loud music, teenage curfew violations and get us a better community center so we, as a community would feel like going to. That place is just a locked up building and a field of grass with a fence around it. Bottom line..........somebody's pocketing over 100K a year of our money and we don't see any dividends. I wish there were legal actions to take for this kind of socialistic company from forcing us to pay them and never hearing from them unless it's a warning about a trash can or your grass being too long. It's sad that we are forced to pay that money for an association that has probably rarely stepped foot on the ground they claim to provide support and guidance for.



I'm in complete agreement. It is unfortunate that we are being asked to pay into an association that in my opinion is worthless and more importantly impotent in their efforts. As stated in earlier postings the effectiveness of the association other than to harass us the homeowners when our grass is too high or our trashcan not of the right dimensions is a joke a best. Where is the swimming pool? When will the playground equipment be upgraded? I could go on and on but it does not seem worth it for me waste too much energy. I see no value whatsoever in this association and would love to see it abolished. I plan to attend the next assn meeting and raise some "hell" about their lack of focus, direction and support of our community.

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