I like the Farmer's Market idea and if you have seen how the flra market on middlebelt packs them in on the weekend, I believe done correctly would bring many downtown on the weekend. And lets have some Rock Shows to str8ten these kids out. Brownstown has a cool city festival with old fifties bands like the Drifters playing, Cheap pop and chips and hotdogs for sale, Make if affordable for families.You had some cool Ideas. KT
I like the Farmer's Market idea and if you have seen how the flra market on middlebelt packs them in on the weekend, I believe done correctly would bring many downtown on the weekend. And lets have some Rock Shows to str8ten these kids out. Brownstown has a cool city festival with old fifties bands like the Drifters playing, Cheap pop and chips and hotdogs for sale, Make if affordable for families.You had some cool Ideas. KT