Reply to Hmm...
Yes, the trucks salted as well. I am at the very beginning of the neighborhood and I back up to the single family homes. I watched the town people ride around on small John Deere snow plows in the Single Family area and they were really clearing out the snow there. If you want to address the concern I'd recommend going straight to the Maintenance Corp under Lee Rammuno or calling the Town directly. The civic association would more than likely do that for you, but I am the type of person to take things into my own hands. I have already contact the Maintenance Corp and the New Castle County police on multiple issues. Just waiting for something to happen. I'd be more than happy to email you and let you know what other issues I face on Vincent Circle and they are much worse than snow removal.
Yes, the trucks salted as well. I am at the very beginning of the neighborhood and I back up to the single family homes. I watched the town people ride around on small John Deere snow plows in the Single Family area and they were really clearing out the snow there. If you want to address the concern I'd recommend going straight to the Maintenance Corp under Lee Rammuno or calling the Town directly. The civic association would more than likely do that for you, but I am the type of person to take things into my own hands. I have already contact the Maintenance Corp and the New Castle County police on multiple issues. Just waiting for something to happen. I'd be more than happy to email you and let you know what other issues I face on Vincent Circle and they are much worse than snow removal.