Those of us who bought homes in Mill Creek Crossing along the greenbelt did so for the beautiful views and privacy the woods afford us. Did any of us think about fire danger, or our responsibility to prevent wildfires? Take a few steps to protect your home (and those of your neighbors) from wildfire. Source: Wildfire: Are you Prepared?
► Teach children about fire safety and keep fire sources locked up and out of reach.
► Create a 30-foot safety zone around your home: Clear all flammable vegetation and combustible material (dry leaves, twigs, paper) in the zone ?— even outside your fence.
► Mow grass regularly to keep it short and healthy. Tall dry grass burns quicker and hotter.
► Clear a 10-foot area around your barbecue grill. Place a non-flammable screen with mesh no coarser than 1/4-inch over the grill to keep embers and sparks from flying away and starting a fire.
► Follow local burning regulations and heed burn bans.
► Stack firewood at least 30 feet away and uphill from your home.
► Have a garden hose on hand that is long enough to reach any area of your home or yard and a ladder tall enough to reach the roof of your home.
► Keep handy household items that can be used as firefighting tools: a rake, ax, bucket, and shovel.
► Buy a fire extinguisher, keep it handy, maintain it regularly, and teach each family member how to use it.
► Report hazardous conditions that could cause a fire to the Fire Department.