Montefino Village



 There are certain portions of the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC & Rs), and the Rules enacted pursuant to the CC & Rs that affect day-to-day living in the community. Many new residents do not have or take the opportunity to review such rules. We take this opportunity to note some of the rules that affect residents, as well as to include some information on commonly raised topics.

 Community Information:

 Newsletters and other current information are posted on our bulletin boards near the mailboxes and posted on our web page accessible through under Neighborhood Information. The bulletin boards are for Association use only, and items are not to be taped to the community bulletin boards without permission of our Community Manager.

Board meetings are typically held nine months of the year at the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of the month. The annual meeting of the community is held during the month of February.

 Though we are a gated community, we are subject to all the rules that apply to any other Chandler community.


 This community was not designed to accommodate unsupervised children. The community is not a secure fenced area, and children treating the community as a back yard present safety risks to themselves and others, as well disrupting the quiet for surrounding neighbors. Residents of the community do have a duty to ascertain, monitor or control the conduct of minors. The responsibility to know where children are and what they are doing rests with parents.

 Play around water and in streets/cul du sacs present dangers for unsupervised children. Thus, owners, occupants, quests and users of our properties are obligated by the CC & Rs to indemnify for damage claims by persons injured in the common areas of our community.


 There is no overnight parking on the streets of the community. A towing company periodically patrols the community and will tow offending vehicles.

 No parking is permitted on the pavers (bricked portions) of the cul du sac like areas, or in the marked “no parking zone” on the sidewalk side of streets. Vehicles parked in these areas are also subject to being towed.

 Parking spaces near each entrance are intended for visitors. Hence parking in these spaces is limited to 72 hours and towing of such vehicles is possible.

 Driveway parking is permitted when the parking spaces in your garage are filled with motor vehicles.

 Vehicles or items like boats, trailers, motor homes, commercial vehicles etc., may not be parked in any part of the community. Vehicles may not be stored in any location in the community.


 Chandler has an animal leash law and a barking dog nuisance ordinance that it enforces. Montefino Village also has a barking dog rule that can result in a fine. Nothing creates friction between neighbors faster than pet behavior issues.

 Because barking may occur only when they are gone, some owners do not realize their dogs are creating a nuisance. Remember that there are devices available to assist in training a dog not to bark.

 Letting your dog leave piles during its walk is a guaranteed way to create issues. There is a Chandler ordinance that carries a $200 fine for dog littering.

 Please be attuned to these potential issues with pets and act to avoid them.

 Pool and Clubhouse Usage:

 Use of the clubhouse meeting room is by reservation with at least 48 hours advance notice by owners and lessees whose leases are on file. A cash deposit is required and users must remove their trash and replace trash bags.

 Pool rules are posted. It is important to remember that excessive noise impacts residences neighboring the pool; rowdy behavior around the pool affects other users. For the safety of all, children must be supervised. Running in the pool area is particularly hazardous. Bicycles, scooters and the like are not allowed in the pool area.

 When leaving the clubhouse fitness room lights and fans should be turned off and doors locked.  As a courtesy to others, please leave the equipment configured as you found it.

 Rental Properties:

 Short-term rentals of under 30 days, or timeshares, are not permitted. All rentals must be for an entire unit and done pursuant to a written lease which must be filed with the community management company.

Tenants must be provided with a copy of the community CC & Rs and related rules. Ignorance of a rule is not a defense to a violation.

 Absentee landlords have the responsibility of assuring that they can be promptly contacted by telephone, email or mail. Likewise, where property managers are employed the burden remains upon the owner to know what tenants are doing to assure that tenants are following community rules.


 The community maintains front lawns, shrubs and trees, but they are owner property to replace if loss or damage occurs. The Ocotillo Community Association (OCA) Design Review Board maintains a list of approved plantings for our properties. Residences with view fences are subject to rules for plantings and for the appearance of their yards. This is enforced by the OCA.

 The OCA Review Board has jurisdiction over, and must approve, just about anything you wish to modify or add to the exterior of your home and lot. Be aware that contractors will rarely know, or ask about, whether there are such rules. Check the OCA Design Guidelines & Community Rules booklet, or call OCA (480-704-2900) for information before starting an improvement project.

 If you have a fruit tree(s) please make sure to pick the tree(s) or cleanup the downed fruit promptly so that you and your neighbors do not have any vermin visit your yards to feed on the fruit.

 Many homes are approaching the age where it is recommended that repainting be performed. Painters typically recommend a new coat of paint within five to seven years after construction. The OCA Design Review Board must approve any change in colors.


 As mentioned earlier, for the protection of children and others, they should be supervised when they are not on their parents’ property. We emphasize that though we are a gated community, the absence of security personnel at the gates means that the community is not secure from intruders.

 Please drive cautiously in the community. The four corners of our streets should be a particular concern for motorists and pedestrians.

Satellite Dishes:

 Satellite Dishes should be located in the least conspicuous location on owner property. If they must be located where they are easily visible, then they need to be painted to match the building.

 Trash/Recyclables Bins:

 Trash and recycle bins must be stored out of sight on resident’s property. They are to be placed at the curb for collection for no longer than 18 hours. Practically, this means trash/recycle bins need to be returned to storage at your property by noon of the day following collection.

 Only waste or recyclables that fit in bins will be collected. Items outside bins are not collected. Trash is typically collected mid-morning on Wednesdays. Recyclables are collected somewhat earlier on Friday mornings.

 If residents have items that are too large for trash or recycle bins, they may call the City of Chandler at 480-782-3510 to schedule a separate pickup. (That number also provides information on disposing of hazardous wastes such as household cleaners, automotive fluids, paint and other chemicals.) Residents are allowed two free bulk trash pickups per year, but the number of bulk pickups of recyclables is not limited. Also, residents may haul large items or yard waste to the Chandler Recycling-Solid Waste Collection Center at 955 East Queen Creek Road on Thursday through Monday from 8 to 4 p.m.

 Should you have questions, please contact our Community Manager, Tennille Laidlaw with Premier Community Management, by telephone at 480-704-2900 or via email at

 Thank you,

 Montefino Village Board of Directors


Posted by califgirl on 04/14/2010
Last updated on 03/28/2014
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