Murphy's Landing HOA

Grounds Update

Posted in: Murphys Landing
Just to let the MLHOA know what I have been doing since taking the position for grounds. The entrance lights to Killarney and Emerald Highlands have been replaced, for parts only. I did the labor to save us money. The street lights at Mohaney Court and Shannon Lake ''north side'' light will be repaired shortly. I called to get the Killarney street cracks filled. And they will look over the rest of the MLHOA area.
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The light located at the north entrance to Murphys Landing off Bluff road will need special parts from IPL, but will be fixed soon. Also at the same location we had a water main sticking up to high in the sidewalk causing people to trip was fixed this past week as well. We have a clean up date this Saturady at 10:00am and I hope everyone can pitch in to help
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