Osama Shihadeh said Monday ''he would continue his commitment to keeping property taxes low and service levels high if elected to a second term on the Muscatine City Council.''
I was wondering if ''keeping service levels high'' while purposely under-staffing our police department, and underpaying our police officers so they leave for other cities after our tax dollars have paid for their training (dogs as well) is a contradiction? How can he say one thing, then do another? Wait, that's what politicians do isn't it? Double speak at its finest.
Phil Fitzgerald is cut from the same mold. Millions for the river and streets, and nothing for public safety. We know, it's ''different money'' and we've heard this adnausem, and continue to read about the increased numbers of burlagries, (hoes and business)and vandalism to the monuments they build and then fail to protect.
They spend tax dollars, then instead of assuring they can protect their/our investment, they let the vandals have their way then they move on to something else.
The Mayor is fond of saying ''good things are happening in Muscatine.'' Well that may be so, but ''bad things are also happening in Muscatine'' and the currrent city council is asleep at the wheel. If they want to take ownership of the good things, thay must also take ownership of the bad.
So, Mr. Shihadeh, what makes you think you deserve another 4 years? If you promise to continue to do what you've been doing, our city's crime rates will continue to rise, and I'm pretty sure that investors, potential home builders and new business really won't look at that as a ''good thing.''
DO SOMETHING, just don't sit there!
I was wondering if ''keeping service levels high'' while purposely under-staffing our police department, and underpaying our police officers so they leave for other cities after our tax dollars have paid for their training (dogs as well) is a contradiction? How can he say one thing, then do another? Wait, that's what politicians do isn't it? Double speak at its finest.
Phil Fitzgerald is cut from the same mold. Millions for the river and streets, and nothing for public safety. We know, it's ''different money'' and we've heard this adnausem, and continue to read about the increased numbers of burlagries, (hoes and business)and vandalism to the monuments they build and then fail to protect.
They spend tax dollars, then instead of assuring they can protect their/our investment, they let the vandals have their way then they move on to something else.
The Mayor is fond of saying ''good things are happening in Muscatine.'' Well that may be so, but ''bad things are also happening in Muscatine'' and the currrent city council is asleep at the wheel. If they want to take ownership of the good things, thay must also take ownership of the bad.
So, Mr. Shihadeh, what makes you think you deserve another 4 years? If you promise to continue to do what you've been doing, our city's crime rates will continue to rise, and I'm pretty sure that investors, potential home builders and new business really won't look at that as a ''good thing.''
DO SOMETHING, just don't sit there!