- kopf1988
- Respected Neighbor
- Muscatine, IA
- 156 Posts
Well, hello. I'm just your friendly neighborhood eighteen year old running for Mayor here, so I decided I should drop by on this Neighborhood link site. Let's see, a little about me... my name is Ryan Kopf, and I've lived in Muscatine my entire life. If you have questions, comments, or even gentle criticism, I suppose you can ask it here. I may not reply right away, so you might want to email me for a faster response.
Good to meet you all.
- stonervote
- Respected Neighbor
- Muscatine, IA
- 248 Posts
Hey Ryan
Give 'en hell. Get a good campaign manager and get rid of the same old same old b.s. politicians there.
good luck.
- kopf1988
- Respected Neighbor
- Muscatine, IA
- 156 Posts
Thanks! I have a campaign manager at the moment, but she isn't really that experienced at the job... she's been doing more administrative assisting lately. Fortunately I have been working with a variety of friends, business owners, and important people in the community for advice and ideas.
If any of you would like to help, give me a call 1-309-226-4241 (business line, times vary, I'm usually on).
- aussielee2
- Respected Neighbor
- Lost in my own world
- 129 Posts
I just want to wish you luck!!