After returning from a brief hiatus I'm saddened to learn of the passing of 2 cents. I want to extend my deepest condolences to LeAnn's family and her multitude of friends who she had a profound effect upon. No better person will be more missed everyday than Leann a/k/a mytwocents. May God take her into his heart and share her spirit with the world once more. I will truly miss her companionship, her insight, her humor, and her compassion on these threads.
After reading some of the posts let me ask why it is that we must find ourselves so filled with unmitigated animosity towards our fellow man and fellow woman? Why is it necessary for someone, anyone, to post such verbose and insensitive comments about a person after they've left our world? I ask those who submitted those posts to look inside themselves and ask ''is that how I would want someone to remember me? Would I want that kind of vile and despicable hurt splattered across the pages of a public forum for my friends and family members to read''?
It leaves me little surprised of the childish and insensitive innuendo and commentary proffered by some of our neighbors. There is no humor in death, only heartache, loneliness and longing for the deceased. If you don't believe me ask anyone whose ever lost a loved one. Especially the families of our brave service members who've sacrificed their lives in the War against Terror.
I'm a firm believer in the First Amendment. Free speech is important to keep us a free nation. But c'mon people, let's exercise good judgment, common decency and show a modicum of respect for the decedant's family. It is deplorable that 2cent's daughter Nikki, must come to these threads to defend and uphold the integrity of her mother and her family.
It's about RESPECT!! Afterall, if it was you or your loved one you would expect the same in return would you not?
Sorry for the rant.
After reading some of the posts let me ask why it is that we must find ourselves so filled with unmitigated animosity towards our fellow man and fellow woman? Why is it necessary for someone, anyone, to post such verbose and insensitive comments about a person after they've left our world? I ask those who submitted those posts to look inside themselves and ask ''is that how I would want someone to remember me? Would I want that kind of vile and despicable hurt splattered across the pages of a public forum for my friends and family members to read''?
It leaves me little surprised of the childish and insensitive innuendo and commentary proffered by some of our neighbors. There is no humor in death, only heartache, loneliness and longing for the deceased. If you don't believe me ask anyone whose ever lost a loved one. Especially the families of our brave service members who've sacrificed their lives in the War against Terror.
I'm a firm believer in the First Amendment. Free speech is important to keep us a free nation. But c'mon people, let's exercise good judgment, common decency and show a modicum of respect for the decedant's family. It is deplorable that 2cent's daughter Nikki, must come to these threads to defend and uphold the integrity of her mother and her family.
It's about RESPECT!! Afterall, if it was you or your loved one you would expect the same in return would you not?
Sorry for the rant.