This is the most fair tax because it is a one cent local option that everyone pays. This isn't a tax burdened soley by property owners.
I would hate to see the tax burden on property owners if the only way to improve schools were to pass bond referendums. If they didn't pass, just think of how crowded our schools would be without these additions that everyone pays for with silo. Most of these grade schools were built in the 50's & early 60's and have had little expansion since. They have only had interior remodels to meet changing federal regulations for ADA and fire marshall regulations.
I work for a school district in another town that couldn't get any school improvements done. They finally got the silo tax and then were able to get enough money from silo to pay for a 4 millon project to put classroom additions on thier buildings. They will finally be able to get their students out of portable classrooms and in the buildings. They also are able to deal with learning environment issues, classroom size, and student to teacher ratios. This is a huge improvement considering that 25 years ago they were only suppoosed to be using the portables for 5 years. Why tell you this? Because it is a prime example of the good silo can do.
Student safety issues, learning environment, and classroom size could all be at risk as population grows and schools can not expand to meet the needs due to the lack of funding. Then we will all complain about nothing being done to keep up the schools.
I for one am very pleased to see the new additions to our school buildings and to see that Muscatine Schools keep up with the needs of students as both federal and state regulations, guidelines, and policies change. We have a great school system here. Is it perfect? No! But thanks to silo and foresight to meet student needs we have very good infrastructure.
Yes, I do have two children in the Muscatine School System. I'm sure I will be raked over the coals for my opinion. That is fine. Some may even have some petty name calling for me. Go ahead. Just remember that our schools could be a lot worse off and silo is in my opinion, the fairest tax to relieve property owners from bearing the full burdon of school improvement.
This is the most fair tax because it is a one cent local option that everyone pays. This isn't a tax burdened soley by property owners.
I would hate to see the tax burden on property owners if the only way to improve schools were to pass bond referendums. If they didn't pass, just think of how crowded our schools would be without these additions that everyone pays for with silo. Most of these grade schools were built in the 50's & early 60's and have had little expansion since. They have only had interior remodels to meet changing federal regulations for ADA and fire marshall regulations.
I work for a school district in another town that couldn't get any school improvements done. They finally got the silo tax and then were able to get enough money from silo to pay for a 4 millon project to put classroom additions on thier buildings. They will finally be able to get their students out of portable classrooms and in the buildings. They also are able to deal with learning environment issues, classroom size, and student to teacher ratios. This is a huge improvement considering that 25 years ago they were only suppoosed to be using the portables for 5 years. Why tell you this? Because it is a prime example of the good silo can do.
Student safety issues, learning environment, and classroom size could all be at risk as population grows and schools can not expand to meet the needs due to the lack of funding. Then we will all complain about nothing being done to keep up the schools.
I for one am very pleased to see the new additions to our school buildings and to see that Muscatine Schools keep up with the needs of students as both federal and state regulations, guidelines, and policies change. We have a great school system here. Is it perfect? No! But thanks to silo and foresight to meet student needs we have very good infrastructure.
Yes, I do have two children in the Muscatine School System. I'm sure I will be raked over the coals for my opinion. That is fine. Some may even have some petty name calling for me. Go ahead. Just remember that our schools could be a lot worse off and silo is in my opinion, the fairest tax to relieve property owners from bearing the full burdon of school improvement.