- lionjack
- Respected Neighbor
- Muscatine
- 544 Posts
Then I personally want to wish you Happy Birthday! I won't ask you how old you are; just enjoy the day...you will be getting older tomorrow.
- lionjack
- Respected Neighbor
- Muscatine
- 544 Posts
Glad to know you enjoyed it and hope your day ended on a high note. Just remember that it is good your hormones are working as they help display all your moods and emotions. There are highs and lows but mostly they run on a even keel.
- frazzled
- Respected Neighbor
- Muscatine
- 481 Posts
mine are all silly right now, but it will all sort itself out. And, all things considered, I'm in a pretty good mood right now. Give me 5 minutes, it will probably change.
- wroe
- Respected Neighbor
- usa
- 198 Posts
I am the same no worse but it's not from being pregnant its much much worse. by the way congrats to you. kids truely are a blessing. good luck!