
Oh....Goody! Let's Watch the Unintended Consequences!

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Ten Little-Known Consequences of a Second Obama Term

From cars to tobacco to miniature horses.

We all know what the wrecking balls of a second Obama term will be: widespread unemployment, stagnant economic growth, enormous debt. But the consequences don't stop there.

Believing in activist government means your work is never finished. You pass a new law that you think combats injustice and inefficiency. Then human nature kicks in and, with great disapprobation, you discover that injustice and inefficiency still exist. So you pass another law, then another. And with no Mitt Romney there to stop you, the Circle of Regulatory Life continues.

With Barack Obama back in power, all the laws and rules from his first term will stand. But regulations aren't just text; they have very real (and often unintended) consequences.

How will the president's societal tinkering affect our lives over the next four years? From the shocking to the quirky to the bizarre, here are some of the things you might have missed:

More expensive cars
The president's new rule on vehicle emissions standards requires automakers to increase their fleet averages to 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016 and a whopping 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. The National Automobile Dealers Association calculates that this will drive up the price of the average car or light truck by $3,000. Seven million potential consumers will pass on buying a vehicle thanks to the added cost.

Fewer stethoscopes
One of the deadliest heads on the Obamacare hydra is the medical devices tax, which takes effect next year. The tax amounts to 2.3% on the sale of every device, the equivalent of a 15% tax on profits. It's a sledgehammer to some of America's most innovative companies, and the companies are responding accordingly, laying off workers and moving plants overseas. Research and development of new devices, many of them life-saving, are expected to take a hit. A recent report by Pricewaterhousecoopers found that investments in the medical device and equipment sector are at their lowest level since 2004.

Less access to special needs education
This one might sound like demagoguery, but bear with me. Obamacare, for the first time, imposes a limit on Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) in the amount of $2,500. FSAs allow for pre-tax deductions into a separate account which the owner can spend on health care throughout the year. FSAs are popular with parents of special-needs children because the money can be used on tuition for private schools that accommodate the disabled. But $2,500 is nowhere near enough to pay that bill. It's an effective tax increase on some of the country's most vulnerable children.

So long, free checking accounts
Back in 2010 when Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were working out how to save the poor from villainous bank tycoons, one of the most popular ideas was a limit on debit card transaction fees. This was eventually codified in the Dodd-Frank law's Durbin Amendment. Banks had to make up the money from the fee restrictions somehow and free checking accounts ended up on the chopping block. In 2009, 96% of big banks offered free checking. By 2011, only 35% of them did.

More children in apartment complexes
If you're ever looking for a good laugh (or cry), head on over to the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division website. Helmed by Eric Holder's hyper-litigious Savior of the Universe Thomas Perez, the CRD is constantly crowing about their latest legal triumph over a schoolyard bully or transgender-unfriendly bathroom.

One of their finest moments came when they settled a lawsuit against the owner of a small apartment complex in South Carolina. The landlord took out ads on Yahoo! and the Yellow Pages website touting an age-21-and-up policy. That was all Perez needed to allege discrimination and bring the full power of the federal government to bear against a sixteen-unit apartment building. For the crime of trying to create a mature living atmosphere, the owner was fined $25,000. With Obama sticking around, expect Perez to maintain vigilance against landlords trying to exercise their property rights.

More pregnant prison guards
Another gem from the Civil Rights Division came in 2009 when an Oklahoma sheriff was caught requiring pregnant confinement officers to do deskwork until they had the baby. The DOJ caught wind of this and lawyers were seen parachuting into Bryan County the next day. The complaint was quickly settled; the pregnant women back guarding the jail.

More horses at restaurants
Federal law accommodates the use of guide dogs by the blind, but not the use of horses. This oversight was remedied by a new Justice Department regulation that requires shops and restaurants to admit miniature horses. The micro-mustangs must be accompanied by a blind or disabled person. They also must be housebroken, which many business owners claim is impossible, presenting their soiled floors as proof. But no matter. This is about equality, dammit.

Easier miniature golf games
The worst holes on mini-golf courses are always the ones with the steep slopes. Fortunately the Justice Department is on the case…not to make the game easier, but to accommodate the disabled. As of 2010, at least half of all mini-golf holes must be "48 inches minimum by 60 inches minimum with slopes not steeper than 1:48 at the start of play." Another non-problem solved.Laughing

Drier urinals
When you flush a urinal, you're putting America one step closer to a water crisis. That's according to the Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products Other Than Automobiles (or ECPCPOTA for short), which is recommending new efficiency standards for urinals, along with faucets, showerheads, and water closets.

No more Roll Your Own tobacco
One of the smoking trends to arise in recent years was Roll Your Own (RYO) tobacco. Customers would purchase the tobacco and insert it into cigarettes sold in a machine in the same store. But thanks to a provision snuck into this year's transportation bill, RYO tobacco is now taxed at the same steep rate as cigarettes. This makes it impossible for most RYO stores to survive. "[The law is] designed to put these people out of business," Phil Acordino, president of RYO Machines, told the Huffington Post.

This might be an unfair addition to this list since there's no evidence Mitt Romney would have sided with smokers either. But it shows just how cavalier the president is about destroying an entire industry with regulation.

It's going to be a long four years. You know, a smoke would probably help right now. Especially one at a horse-free restaurant.


About the Author

Matt  Purple is a freelance writer in Washington, D.C.

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From the Northern Colorado Times:


Obama’s economy: Multiple companies announce layoffs following reelection

by Matt Lacy –


Showing an incredible vote of “no confidence” in President Obama’s economy, several companies immediately announced a wave of layoffs with many more to follow.


During the election, Obama insisted the economy under his watch was improving and that the “private sector was doing fine.” The first lady echoed similar sentiments saying in an interview with WPGC-95 that America was “in the midst of a huge recovery.”


However, it appears that many business owners have not gotten the message. Following the President’s victory over Mitt Romney the stock market has fallen 3 percent.



Murray Energy, announced it was laying off 156 employees including 102 at the West Ridge Mine in Utah. In announcing the layoffs the company blamed Obama citing his “war on coal” as being the reason workers have lost their jobs.


Prior to the announcement, chairman and chief executive Robert Murray  led the people in a prayer saying the American people had chosen to abandon the principles of the Founding Fathers and is now facing the consequences for its choice. The Washington Post provided the text of the prayer which said:


“Dear Lord:

The American people have made their choice. They have decided that America must change its course, away from the principals of our Founders. And, away from the idea of individual freedom and individual responsibility. Away from capitalism, economic responsibility, and personal acceptance.

We are a Country in favor of redistribution, national weakness and reduced standard of living and lower and lower levels of personal freedom.

My regret, Lord, is that our young people, including those in my own family, never will know what America was like or might have been. They will pay the price in their reduced standard of living and, most especially, reduced freedom.

The takers outvoted the producers. In response to this, I have turned to my Bible and in II Peter, Chapter 1, verses 4-9 it says, ‘To faith we are to add goodness; to goodness, knowledge; to knowledge, self control; to self control, perseverance; to perseverance, godliness; to godliness, kindness; to brotherly kindness, love.’

Lord, please forgive me and anyone with me in Murray Energy Corp. for the decisions that we are now forced to make to preserve the very existence of any of the enterprises that you have helped us build. We ask for your guidance in this drastic time with the drastic decisions that will be made to have any hope of our survival as an American business enterprise.



The layoffs at Murray Energy are not an isolated incident. A Las Vegas business owner with 144 employees fired 22 of them the day after the election. The employer cited Obama’s policy as the reason for the layoffs.


FreedomWorks has provided a list of multiple companies that have either slashed their workforce or will do so in the near future resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs because of regulations and policies of the Obama administration.


Among those companies facing layoffs from Obamacare are:


  • Smith & Nephew – 770 layoffs
  • Abbott  Labs – 700 layoffs
  • Covidien –      595 layoffs
  • Kinetic  Concepts – 427 layoffs
  • St. Jude  Medical – 300 layoffs
  • Hill Rom –      200 layoffs


Stay tuned for more.  I will dutifully track and post in order to keep some of us, who care, updated.

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How Many Businesses Have Announced Closings or Layoffs Since Obama Won A Second Term?


Do elections have consequences? If you have been paying attention to the financial markets, you might think so. Wall Street has had two horrible days since President Obama won a second term.

However, stock prices are not the only thing taking a hit. It appears that the job market is also suffering. In the last 48 hours, the following major corporations have announced layoffs in America (links take you to news stories about the layoffs – with details from the companies):


Energizer -

The St. Louis-based company said Thursday that it expects to shed about 1,500 employees. When finished, the restructuring should lead to $200 million in pretax yearly savings, Energizer said. It aims to have most of its restructuring steps finished by the end of September 2014.


Exide Technologies -

Exide Technologies announced Thursday that it will be idling its lead-recycling operations in Laureldale and laying off 150 workers, effective no later than March 31.


Westinghouse -

Westinghouse Anniston, the contractor responsible for shutting down Anniston’s chemical weapons incinerator, has reduced its workforce by another 50 employees.


Research in Motion Limited -

Research in Motion Ltd., the maker of BlackBerry smartphones, laid off about 200 people at its U.S. headquarters in Irving on Wednesday, according to a source close to the company who did not want to be named.


Lightyear Network Solutions -

More than one dozen employees at a Pikeville company lost their jobs this week. Officials with Lightyear Network Solutions said they are consolidating offices in Louisville and Pikeville to save money.


Providence Journal -

The Providence Journal Co. laid off 23 full-time workers Wednesday as part of a cost-cutting effort, including 16 members of the Providence Newspaper Guild and 7 non-union employees.


Hawker Beechcraft -

The company says 240 employees will lose their jobs with the closing of Hawker Beechcraft Services facilities in Little Rock, Ark.; Mesa, Ariz.; and San Antonio, Texas.


Boeing (30% of their management staff) -

Boeing Co. said Wednesday it plans to employ 30% fewer executives at its Boeing Defense, Space & Security unit by the end of 2012 compared to 2010 levels.


CVPH Medical Center -

CVPH Medical Center has handed pink slips to 17 employees. The layoffs — nine in management and eight hourly staffers — are part of an effort to “help bolster the hospital’s financial position in 2013 and beyond,” a press release said.


US Cellular -

The move will result in 980 job cuts at U.S. Cellular, with 640 in the Chicago area, according to a spokeswoman. The cuts are slightly under 12 percent of the approximately 8,400 total employees U.S. Cellular had at the end of the third quarter.


Momentive Performance Materials -

About 150 workers at Sistersville’s Momentive Performance Materials plant will be temporarily laid off later this month, officials said this week.


Rocketdyne -

About 100 employees at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, most of whom work in the San Fernando Valley, were laid off Wednesday in response to dwindling government spending on space exploration, the company said. The layoffs were effective immediately, and 75 percent of them came at the facilities on Canoga and De Soto avenues, which employ about 1,100 people. The company has six sites across the Valley.


Brake Parts -

The leader of an automotive parts plant in Lincoln County has told state officials that there are plans to lay off 75 workers starting in late December…The layoffs are expected to start Dec. 28 and continue in the first quarter of 2013


Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS) is seeking to sell a stake of as much as 20 percent and said it’s reducing headcount by 3,000 to raise the staff cuts by the biggest wind turbine maker to almost a third over two


Husqvarna -

Husqvarna AB (HUSQB), the world’s biggest maker of powered garden tools, plans to cut about 600 jobs in a move that will save 220 million kronor ($33 million) a year by 2014.


Center for Hospice New York -

The Center for Hospice and Palliative Care plans to temporarily lay off as many as 40 employees next year as it embarks on a major renovation of the inpatient unit at its Cheektowaga campus.


Bristol-Meyers -

Bristol-Myers Squibb is following up its lackluster third-quarter results with almost 480 layoffs. As Pharmalot reports, the company notified the New Jersey government that it would scale back in Plainsboro, which means the cuts will hit its sales operations.


OCE North America -

Trumbull printer- and scanning-equipment provider Oce North America, Inc. will lay off 135 workers in three Connecticut communities, including East Hartford, according to its notice with the state Labor Department.


Darden Restaurants -

The company, which was among those who had received an Obamacare waiver in the past, is looking to limit workers to 28 hours per week. A full time employee that is required to have health insurance (lest the employer pay a fine) works 30 hours per week, as defined by the Obamacare law.


West Ridge Mine -

In its statement, UtahAmerican Energy blames the Obama administration for instituting policies that will close down “204 American coal-fired power plants by 2014″ and for drastically reducing the market for coal.


United Blood Services Gulf -

United Blood Services Gulf South region, the non-profit blood service provider for much of south Louisiana and Mississippi, will lay off approximately 10 percent of its workforce. It was a hard decision to make according to Susan Begnaud, Regional Center Director for the Gulf South region.

A layoff is tough enough for employees to deal with, imagine hearing the crushing news that your office is shutting down just before Thanksgiving and Christmas…  Here are some of the business closings that were announced in just the past two days:

To see even more companies that announced layoffs since the election, visit the Daily Job Cuts page.

Hiroad....mallcontent does not have that much time.....

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