
"Right to Bear Arms"

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January  8, 2013

Gun Control and the Paradox of Liberty

By Christopher  Brownwell


The  hatred of people leads to gun control.  I am talking about not the shooter's hatred, but the gun controller's  hatred.


Liberals  have a reputation for caring about people -- an undeserved reputation.   They don't believe that people ought to live free and govern themselves.   Liberals like Harry Belafonte, Woody Allen, and Bill Maher have openly advocated  that President Obama take the authority of a dictator.  Observe how liberal  celebrities such as Sean Penn gush over foreign dictators like Hugo  Chávez.  How many of your liberal friends own a Che Guevara t-shirt  or poster?  Liberals hate people so much that they do not trust them to  govern themselves.

The dirty little secret that everybody knows is  that gun control is not about stopping the bloodshed.  Even though an  automobile does not have the specific purpose to kill, it has more killing power  than a firearm.  According to the Center for Disease Control, cars  kill more people than firearms.  Where is  the support for an automobile ban?  Liberals do not support one.  You  see, a ban of firearms is not about concern for murder  victims.


Liberals  are so irrationally attached to gun control because they love government more  than they love people.  They love government more than they love liberty.   They seek government handouts, whether for themselves or for those they  think deserve forced charity from the "rich."  They adore government  over-regulation of things they hate, like guns, logging, drilling for oil, and  20-oz. sodas.  They love government regulation of people, like forcing us  to purchase health insurance, pay for  abortions, provide contraception, eat "healthy" foods.


Government  is the sovereign god to liberals. They worship at its altar and support their  priests every election despite their crimes and scandals.  Liberals demand  that their religious morality be forced on the rest of us.  Carbon emission  regulations, "sin" taxes, and public school lunches are just a few examples of  the imposition of liberal morality.


Liberals  do not see a need for the people to have firearms because they do not see a need  to fear their government.  They worship it.  Banning automobiles is  not on the table because automobiles do not threaten government authority like  the firearm does.  (But just you wait: when liberals continue to implement  their utopian "fundamental transformation of America," the freedom to travel  will be taken.  Liberals then will support a ban on  automobiles.)


The  right to individually bear firearms is not about hunting or personal  self-defense, although those are subsumed in the 2nd Amendment.   The right to bear arms is about securing an arsenal in the hands of the  sovereign people in order to strike fear in government officials of the  possibility of violence by a well-regulated militia under the guidance and  control of an accountable civil authority.  We the people have a collective  right in our state governments to put our federal government officials in fear  of violence for their "long train of abuses and usurpations."  This  God-given, natural right is embodied in our nation's Declaration of  Independence.

I  am talking not about wanton, reckless individuals or unaccountable paramilitary  groups.  Violence has to be accountable to and restrained by a civil  authority.  But if we truly believe in the sovereignty of the people, if we  are truly classical liberals, the fear of proper, organized, accountable  violence is a necessity for a free republic.  Thomas Jefferson affirmed  that "[w]hen governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear  the government, there is tyranny."

Liberty  is a paradox.  Unrestrained liberty is not freedom, but anarchy.  The  liberty to do anything you want to do destroys liberty.  G.K. Chesterton  stated of social and political liberty in his timeless work Orthodoxy,  "The ordinary aesthetic anarchist who sets out to feel everything freely gets  knotted at last in a paradox that prevents him feeling at all.  He breaks  away from home limits to follow poetry.  But in ceasing to feel home limits  he has ceased to feel the 'Odyssey.'  He is free from national prejudices  and outside of patriotism.  But being outside patriotism he is outside  'Henry V.' ... For if there is a wall between you and the world, it makes little  difference whether you describe yourself as locked in or as locked  out."

What  satisfied Chesterton about the Christian paradox is that Christianity achieved  the balancing of parallel passions.  "[T]he more I considered Christianity,  the more I found that while it had established a rule and order, the chief aim  of that order was to give room for good things to run wild."  Therefore,  liberty is not the freedom to do anything we want to do.  Liberty is the  freedom to do what we ought to do.

The  paradox of liberty extends to its defense and preservation.  If force can  take away liberty, force is necessary to preserve it.  It is the hatred of  violence alongside the willingness to use violence that preserves liberty.   In order for us to live as free men, we have to hate the violence that takes  away liberty, yet at the same time, we must embrace the violence that preserves  it.  That is the paradox our founders appreciated and made work for over 200 years.


Modern  liberals, however, do not fear the "long train of abuses and usurpations"  because they do not believe in popular sovereignty.  They worship  tyrannical authority.  Liberals show affection to and apologize for evil  men like Hugo Chávez, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Mao Tse-Tung, Bill Ayers, the  Muslim Brotherhood.  They show disdain for patriots like John Adams,  Patrick Henry, Joe McCarthy, Ronald Reagan, and the Tea Party.  Liberals fear their liberty-loving  neighbors more than they do their power-hungry politicians.  Liberals would  rather shackle their neighbors than let them live in  liberty.

  In a fiery speech on August 1, 1776, Samuel Adams bellowed, "If ye love wealth  better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of  freedom -- go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch  down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you,  and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!"

Liberals  prefer shackles to the wild  adventure of liberty.  Because they prefer shackles, they cannot bear  others having liberty.  In their bleeding hearts is not love for people,  but a will to dominate them and to be dominated.  Our Founders knew that  taking away firearms from the citizen was essentially to turn him into a  subject, a slave.  Congressman Allen  West affirmed this sentiment when he said, "An armed man is a citizen.   A disarmed man is a subject." 

Turning  men into slaves is not love.  But that is what gun control is all about:  turning men into slaves.  Love for mankind is not in taking care of him,  but in letting him be free to take care of himself.  With gun control,  liberals want to take away the means for men to preserve their  liberty.


Liberals  say they want gun control because they want to end the bloodshed.  But  beware.  What is at the heart of support for gun control is not love of  men, but hatred for them.

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Is there a even gun shop in Muscatine anymore?


More people are killed by vehicles every year than by guns. What are you libs gonna do about that?

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  • darylmaxen
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Is there a even gun shop in Muscatine anymore?

Yes, there is.  South side of second street downtown.  Can't remember the name of the little place, but have been in there a few times. 

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