
Dual Citizenship

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Here's something for you to contmeplate, Mobay et al.


Many people read articles against Zionism and inaccurately consider it against Jewish people. Zionists are an elite group, aligned with one world government agendas, who even treat other Jewish people who are not elite as inferior.

If your only understanding of Zionism (which is not Judaism) comes from the mainstream media this sounds off, but that’s because they are a propaganda machine. I invite you, as always, to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

Source: Viewzone
by Dan Eden

Dual Citizenship — Loyal to Whom?


American / Isreali Dual Citizens Running the American Government


Attorney General – Michael Mukasey
Head of Homeland Security – Michael Chertoff
Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Richard Perle
Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) – Paul Wolfowitz
Under Secretary of Defense – Douglas Feith
National Security Council Advisor – Elliott Abrams
Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) – “Scooter” Libby
White House Deputy Chief of Staff – Joshua Bolten
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – Marc Grossman
Director of Policy Planning at the State Department – Richard Haass
U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) – Robert Zoellick
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – James Schlesinger
UN Representative (Former) – John Bolton
Under Secretary for Arms Control – David Wurmser
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Eliot Cohen
Senior Advisor to the President – Steve Goldsmith
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of State – Lincoln Bloomfield
Deputy Assistant to the President – Jay Lefkowitz
White House Political Director – Ken Melman
National Security Study Group – Edward Luttwak
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Kenneth Adelman
Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) – Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
National Security Council Advisor – Robert Satloff
President Export-Import Bank U.S. – Mel Sembler
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families – Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs – Mark Weinberger
White House Speechwriter – David Frum
White House Spokesman (Former) – Ari Fleischer
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Henry Kissinger
Deputy Secretary of Commerce – Samuel Bodman
Under Secretary of State for Management – Bonnie Cohen
Director of Foreign Service Institute – Ruth Davis

…If you think we’re being unfair here, ask yourself: How you would react to the Head of Homeland Security if he or she were a dual national with citizenship in Iran, Lebanon or Saudi Arabia? Ask yourself why you don’t feel the same about Israeli dual citizenship. Then you will understand how powerful the Israeli lobby has been in “adjusting” your acceptance of their special status.

…Unless we are Native American Indians, all Americans have their origins in some other country. Both of my parents were from England. They were proud to be “British” but they were most proud of achieving their American citizenship. Sure, we had pictures of the Queen and nick-nacks with the Union Jack on them. My mother even celebrated the traditional 4 o’clock tea time and was good at making Yorkshire Pudding. In the late 60′s my older brother served in the US Army and did his tour in Viet Nam. When it came down to “allegiance,” we were all patriotic Americans. Period.

The word “allegiance” means that we promise loyalty. It also carries with it the expectation that this loyalty will be exclusive and unrestrained. In the case of a declared war or real threat or conflict, for example, our allegiance to America should preclude any other interest, be it another country or political ideology.

When they took their oath to become American citizens, my parents had to pledge their “allegiance” exclusively to America and renounce their allegiance to “any and all foreign governments.” That included Great Britain, one of our strongest allies.

Before Viewzone asked me to research the meaning of “dual citizenship,” I had never heard of the term. How could someone be a citizen of two countries at the same time? But I was just ignorant. Dual nationalities and citizenships are quite common.

From my internet research, I learned that in 1997, a French Canadian with a U.S. passport ran for mayor of Plattsburgh, N.Y. He argued that the incumbent spoke French too poorly to be running a city so close to Quebec. He lost. Also in 1997, a retired top American official for the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) ran for president of Lithuania. He was inaugurated in February to a burst of fireworks!

In 1996, Dominicans from New York not only could vote in the Dominican Republic’s presidential elections for the first time, they could vote for a fellow New Yorker. Multiple nationalities have become so commonplace that some analysts fear the trend is undermining the notion of nationhood, particularly in the place with the most diverse citizenry on Earth: the United States.

Debate over the issue intensified in the late 1990s, when Mexico joined the growing list of poor nations that say it’s OK for their nationals to be citizens of the countries to which they have migrated. Under the law that took effect in 1998 Mexicans abroad — most of them in the United States — will be able to retain Mexican citizenship even if they seek U.S. citizenship. And naturalized Americans of Mexican descent will be able to reclaim their original citizenship. The Mexican government stopped short, for now, of giving expatriates the right to vote.

Security Issues

Since citizenship carries with it a responsibility to be exclusively loyal to one country, the whole concept of dual citizenship and nationality raises questions about which of the dual citizenships have priority. This is extremely important when the two countries have opposing interests. It can be a deadly problem when a dual citizen is in a high position within our American government.

Can one imagine a Japanese citizen serving in the Pentagon during WWII? Or how about a citizen of the Soviet Union holding a cabinet position in the White House during the Cold War?

Today’s conflicts are centered in the Middle East. America needs to balance foreign policies towards oil producing Arab nations with our goal being peace and stability in the region. This places a burden on our government to be even-handed in our dealings with the Arab world and Israel. While the Iraq War was waged on lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction and revenge for 911, the real reason has emerged as a well designed global plan to improve the power and leverage of Israel.

Added to this policy is yet another potential blow to American interests and security — the impending War with Iran. This war will be waged for the security of Israel and will be paid for by the blood of American soldiers and the hard-earned money of American citizens whose quality of life is inversely tied to the cost of petroleum.

Read the full story here

51 Responses

  1. The History will tell – Not a Muslims theory ( We Muslims are indolent towards the present, what we do with the past?) The Christian Historians, the Jewish Historians like Ami Isseroff, they say that we Muslims were once the best in the business, the best in all the fields. This was the time the West calls “Dark Ages”. These Western people were during those days engaged with their witchcrafts – incinerating little girls. During this period, the Crusaders knocked hell into us. They killed our men, women and children in millions in the name of Christianity. But we Muslims we got back what we had lost under Salluddin. We came back to power, but we are not sadistic like them. We didn’t touch the common Christian. We allowed them to live amidst us. We built Churches for them, we did everything for them. Then the Jews, what we did for them, they can never pay us for that. These Jews were kicked out of Israel by the Romans in the name of Christianity. We muslims came for their rescue under Hazrat Umar (R.A). It were we Muslims who kicked the brutal Romans out and liberated the Jews from their clutches and allowed them to live with us and built synagogues for them. But they chose to live in Europe. Now again they were kicked out from the Europe by the Nazis in the name of Christianity and again we Muslims rescued them from their miseries. It was for our grace and mercy that we gave these Jewish beggars, these miserable people shelter to live. The Hindus of India – For more than 1000 years we ruled their land and gave them equal status. But today all groups are betraying us, they have betrayed us in the past and they are likely to do that for ever. These Christians are hypocrites, lunatics. They say Christ and Love, Christ and Love. Love your enemy as your brother. And we know how much they love we Muslims. Everyday how many innocent people are being killed by the American forces, by the British forces, French forces. How many little children are being murdered. How many women raped. “Collateral Damage”. The Jews are pushing us into the sea and what they have done to us in the past, what they are doing to us now is not hidden. Murderers in uniform. Terrorists in uniform. Rapists in uniform. Then these blood-sucking hindus. Overnight they sliced more than 10,000 muslims into pieces in Gujarat, India. This was as late as Feb 2002. Pregnant women were raped. Fetuses were wrenched out from the wombs. These were the slum dwelling muslims. Weak people. This was the most shameful incident in the history of mankind.

    Why did it happen to us? Because we didn’t follow the Quran. Allah is warning us against all these people. He says in the Quran (Al-Anfal Ch8,V60) that the Muslims should be in peace with the unbelievers ( The Atheists, The Materialists, The Agnostics, The Communists, The so-called Christians, The so-called Jews, The so-called Hindus etc). Live in peace with them but TRUST THEM NOT. Be prepared against them because they can deceive anytime and that’s exactly what they have done. Be prepared with your steeds of war. With the most sophisticated weapons of the time, the Muslims must be prepared. They have proved the Quran. But we Muslims, we failed Islam. Now we are suffering because we didn’t give heed to the Allah’s warning. The people who can betray the prophets what else can you expect from them. They can betray you anytime. Now the only thing left in the Muslims is Islam. You re invoke the spirit of Islam among the people, propagate it and I tell you these unbelievers can do nothing to you. They don’t have enough sperm in their bodies to harm us. Now Islam is the only weapon left with you. Even with their nuclear weapons they can’t destroy Islam. Kill the devils by Islam.

    • You are ignorant.Not your fault,all you have knowledge of is a book written by satan.You should really do some research on history.And maybe read that koron.Notice how it is OK to rape little girls and boys ? It says to beat and rape your wife’s ? To kill,torture,and maim humans to make them believe as you do. You are taught to hate,kill,and abuse people all your life.If their is any human emotion or rational thinking in you,you know that is wrong.That is Jesus telling you not to do these horrible things.To love your neighbor,treat all with respect no matter what their belief. We are taught to respect,love and help all who are suffering,no matter what their religion,race or beliefs.So your crap is way out there.Try again…

      • Well actually, coming from a Christian who’s currently studying conflict in the Middle East and the history of the region, a lot of what Emran was saying is true in terms of betrayal by the West. Western involvement in the region from WWI on essentially consists of one foreign policy blunder after another. In particular, google “Sikes-Picot” and have a look for yourself. I can’t say I agree with the hate felt by Emran, but only an ignorant person would not be able to understand why that hate exists; it is a bitterness that stems not from any scripture, as has been suggested. Rather, it comes from years of dealing with foreign powers messing up the lives of citizens of the Middle East by plundering its natural riches and fighting pointless proxy wars on their soil (the entirety of the Cold War).

        In terms of the scripture, while there are passages of the Quran which can be considered calls to arms, there are just as many examples of that in the Christian Bible. These messages are not in conflict, and when followed purely any sensible individual can live a life of peace and coexistence under either set of teachings. I’m tired of hearing self righteous assholes talk about how Muslim radicals are evil. They aren’t radical for the sake of being radical; they are radical because they are desperate, and they are desperate largely because the West has forced its excesses and customs upon them at some times, and exploited them for profit at others. You are a well meaning Christian I’m sure j.m., but you aren’t getting the fact that your Christian values are not the basis for US foreign policy. Furthermore, I’m going to say judging by your post that you have not read the Quran and have no understanding of Western involvement in Middle Eastern affairs, therefore making you entirely unqualified to pass any sort of judgement on what you would call “radical.”

        This also does not make the viewpoints of many radical Muslims right, either. I am not saying I agree with every tenet of radical Islam. What I AM saying is that I understand what made Islam radical in the 20th century, and what is continuing to make them radical. It is our involvement in their affairs, an involvement we never should have started, and an involvement that, if we know what is good, and quite honestly what is *American,* we will cease as soon as possible. I’m all for the America the founders would have wanted: an america which minds its own business!

        “Mind your business”

        -Ben Franklin

      • .If you truly believe that EVERY world atrocity hasnt been committed in the name of Jesus Christ, you’re delusional. Holocaust, ww1, ww2, GENOCIDE of native people of north, central and south America, genocide of indigenous Australians, trans Atlantic slave trade, witch hunts, crusade Massacres, dark ages torture techniques, imperialism, colonialism, mass forced conversions that stretch to every contitnent… etc etc etc etc etc etc etc …. All done in the name of your lord and savior. But youll probably disagree and call all those perpetrators non Christians even tho they invoke your god with all their actions. Soooo funny how you’ve marketed Islam as a violent civilization. And marketed yourself as peaceful, cheek turning, neighbor loving people. Christians are truly the most violent hateful satanic and blood lusting people ever to grace this earth. History is the witness

      • just so you know, the Talmud (the written oral teachings of the pharisees and the authoritative book on judaism) says that ALL GOY ARE LOWER THAN JEWS… and must be killed… it also states that it is not adultery to copulate with a girl of 3 years and one day or younger… nor is it adultery to copulate with young boys, or temple prostitutes anally… so… there’s a lot of rules about money in there too… which is the present day system we are slaves to on the planet… all 3 of the patriarchal religions have major issues with bullshit being spread around the globe… so thanx for that

      • Just would like to see the world come to an end. This would bring to an end all the hate we have for each other. There is no other way! The sooner the better!

    • The Supreme Lord and Creator of The Universe,whether you call Him God or Allah,is The Great Teacher,the great Kurdish warrior Saladin was God’s punishment for the Christians,just as The Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella were a punishment for the Muslims,those who believe that their temporary victory,is the product of their own genius or military strategy,,sooner or later is taught a bitter lesson by The Lord….this lesson is valid for all,….Jews,Muslims and Christians

  2. Obama can do nothing. Clinton can do nothing. Do you think the American foreign policy is going to change by either of them. No.

  3. This list is largely inaccurate and has been bouncing around in written and internet form as an urban legend for years. For instance, Ruth Davis, the last person on the original list from the original post, is an African American woman, as well as having no background, specialty, or interest in the Middle East. The earliest internet source for this list I found was on a reactionary Islamic website, that had reposted the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and linked to, among other sites, the Aryan Nations main website. Here is the link to the page on

    • Reprinting The Protocols would not disqualify anyone from being credible, no. That document was written by someone and has turned out to be the blueprint followed that we are seeing come to fruition 100 yrs later.

      My bet is on the Illuminati Freemasonic Cabbalists for that one. but to parrot it as “a forgery” just doesnt fly.

      • The ‘zion’ in the protocols were actually referring to the British Empire. There was a very popular movement called ‘British Israelism’ around the time the protocols were written that claimed the British Empire was the true nation of Israel foretold in the Bible.

    • Adam regardless of who wrote the Protocols, I’d like you to read them and share your thoughts of where we are right now in history and where we are along in the Protocols.

    • The Protocols were a manuscript that was discovered when a secret Talmudic meeting was busted by Russian police. It wasn’t published for years. Finally it was, and it is a blueprint that the Jewish people have been living for the past 200 years to the letter. They own the majority of American book publishers, magazines, newspapers, television stations, Hollywood, and their agents in the US government are many. They have more Jewish organizations than any other ethnic group on Earth. Their goal is to rule over the rest of us. Fat chance of that. All empires fall. The book: “Waters Flowing Eastward” is a good book about the protocols. Compare the agenda to history. You’ll see.

  4. Adam, thanks for your comment. Do you have other names that should not be on the list in the article?

    • Although a staunch advocate for all PNAC policies, Ido belive John Bolton is not Jewish…..

      • John Bolton is not Jewish. I believe the author confused “Josh” Bolton with the former-who was a member of Bush’s staff.

  5. Emran, you should also add McCain to your list of presidential candidates who will do nothing. There is only one candidate who would significantly change US foreign policy–Ron Paul.

  6. [...] will come to Colorado Springs April 23 … US / Israeli Citizens Running American Government Many people read articles against Zionism and inaccurately consider it against Jewish people. [...]

  7. And even if only half the persons mentioned in this list were actually Israelis… One cannot serve two masters.
    Actually, as seen from abroad, the U.S. is an Israeli colony whose center of decision is located in Jerusalem…

  8. hi boulderdash….

    looks kind of dated.. where’s rahm?

    by their own crowing… here’s a resource that you could possibly cross check… it offers, the admin, 111th congress and other goodies…such as media control/ownership..

    be sure and read the ‘lobby’ link.. that definitely spells out where their loyalties actually lie.

    from their own crowing:

    110th congress:

    Jewish Members of the U.S. Senate:

    Jews in the Bush Administration

    Obama Admin:

    111th congress & senate/house

    The Israeli and Arab Lobbies

    U.S. Aid To Israel

    • for some reason the only link you have that won’t work is the LOBBIES every other works fine HMMMMMMM

  9. Israel rules the US. Period. This is true culturally, financially, politically and, as the article indicates, interms of the governing and military institutions. As an occupied nation, it is the duty of every American to resist.

    • Israel rules via the SAYANIM, which is why all jews are suspect. Politically a hotwire to voice this, but true. If it comes down to the wire- they’ll betray us for Israel as we’ve witnessed again and again and again.

  10. How many times I have to tell you Amerikkkans, Israhel ain’t DONE with you yet !

  11. [...] Many people read articles against Zionism and inaccurately consider it against Jewish people. Zionists are an elite group, aligned with one world government agendas, who even treat other Jewish people who are not elite as inferior. If your only understanding of Zionism (which is not Judaism) comes from the mainstream media this sounds off, but that's because they are a propaganda machine. I invite you, as always, to do your own research and come … Read More [...]

  12. Revolution is the Solution!

  13. ALL residents of north america came here from somewhere else. there were never any NATIVE americans!!! indians came from both asia and europe – long long ago before columbus. the first documented wave of immigration took place 22000 years ago – from europe.

    to repeat there is NO SUCH THING as a NATIVE AMERICAN. we are all imimigrants. ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Since the Native Americans had been here for thousands of years, I believe they qualify as not being immigrants. You are correct that we all came from somewhere, but being in a place for 22,000 years as you say, might qualify them as not just being immigrants!

    • If we accept you logic we are all Ethiopians and no one has any ties to any others lands they claims to be their own, because the first homo sapiens were found to have lived in Ethiopia. You are sticking your head up your arse and trying to look at the world from that vantage point, in your zeal to defend colonization.

  14. America fades as an Empire from the face of the earth! The fiat, super-manipulated, dollar they play world politics with is about to face Billions of Chinese with gasoline tanks to be filled and strong Yuan in their pocket to bid with! Watch gasoline go over $15.00 gallon in the states!
    China has invested in Nuclear/Electric sourced, electric bullet train networks to off-set the oil crunch in China. They are building ten reactors as we speak and for the same reason! Cheaper domestically generated energy! China has intensive Wind Power developments, has already captured Hydro, and is looking seriously at Solar – all renewable, or perpetual and domestic electric energy sources. The U.S.A. sticks stubbornly to oil alone and does little else – allowing the capitalistic market system guide development over good government and common sense! The planned and controlled Asian societies will over-come and dominate the world. American corporatist interests and the lobbyists who control American government decisions will win small personal victories while failing the nation over-all. To see an example where this has already happened, Google, torrent, the movie, “Who Stole The Electric Car”. See where America was bamboozled out of the EV-1 by GM and big oil – Yes, Darlings! The same GM that came hat in hand for bailouts a few years later! And we caved in and helped the bastards litter our streets with useless SUV’s like the Escalade, and the Suburban one more time! The EV-1, like the Toyota Rav4 EL, languish in obscurity while gasoline sales are strong and oil flows in the gulf.

  15. From all accounts, public speeches and actions, “our” govt is run by and for foreigners whose loyalty is obviously to those who control israel. And whose actions are not in the best interests the U.S. or even of the israeli people. Thats’ the plain truth people. This truth is supported by facts, deeds, public admissions and the exposure of outright lies committed by these European “jews” who call themselves zionists. The support these creatons receive from “our” congress critters, at the expense of all of US, will someday be rightly labeled as an act of treason against the people of the United STATES of America.

    Wishing US all Peace, in spite of the liars that would have it otherwise.

  16. Absolutely amazing that such a miniscule percentage of the population can dominate such appointments.
    Dual citizens? Where do their loyalties really lie? They should not be allowed to assume their positions.

  17. Why in the world have mossad ,isreal and the jews been allowed to bring the twin towers down in new york [this i know without a shadow of doubt] and the bush admin. lie to the american people about this. The whole bunch should be put in prisons for this sinister deed. all isrealis in all government jobs should be in prison right now along with marvin and both georges

  18. all medias and newspapers owned by jews and hollywood jews should be deported back to isreal now and should never be allowed to enter u.s. again

  19. they [jews,mossad and the israelis] along with our last 5 american presidents have destroyed america so badly world-wide it can never be like it was during the jfk times when we were a free nation and americans walked tall,instead now americans are sheep,scrared of this illusion these corrupt govrnments have instilled on americans. soon i know without a shadow of doubt they will pull out their final bag of tricks but we and the GOD they don’t believe will prevail over their false flag scams. a new awakining will soon be on american soil to cast these sinister people into the lake of fire the jews don’t believe in

  20. I doubt the dual-citizenship plays THAT much of a role, but… it is an influence, sure. I worry more about those being on “the payroll” of lobbies, rather then those “obvious cases”, though…


  22. Just in case there are some of you out there who have lost the truth or reality of the true facts, I would like to boldly remind you that Jesus the Christ and Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Creator of this world rule America and Israel and they always will and don’t you forget it. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. We will trust in the Lord Jesus, the Christ who is the health of our countenance and our God. He will do exceedingly and abundantly above all we think or ask accordingly to his spirit that works mightily within us.

    • If you truly believe that EVERY world atrocity hasnt been committed in the name of Jesus Christ, you’re delusional. Holocaust, ww1, ww2, GENOCIDE of native people of north, central and south America, genocide of indigenous Australians, trans Atlantic slave trade, witch hunts, crusade Massacres, dark ages torture techniques, imperialism, colonialism, mass forced conversions that stretch to every contitnent… etc etc etc etc etc etc etc …. All done in the name of your lord and savior. But youll probably disagree and call all those perpetrators non Christians even tho they invoke your god with all their actions. Soooo funny how you’ve marketed Islam as a violent civilization. And marketed yourself as peaceful, cheek turning, neighbor loving people. Christians are truly the most violent hateful satanic and blood lusting people ever to grace this earth. History is the witness

      • Not so. The greatest killers of the 20th century were Hitler, Stalin and Mao Tse-tung – all non-believers. Hitler sent many priests to concentration camps (any that stood up to him). As for the crusades, yes they were terrible, but they were triggered by Islamic invasions and conquests of the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe.

        Christianity in its early days was spread by apostles and disciples travelling and teaching, most of whom were killed for their pains. In contrast, Islam was spread by military conquest from the beginning. Is God a warrior?

        There have been appalling things done in the name of ALL the world religions. For the sake of world peace, we all need to recognise the dark side of history and build bridges between different communities rather than confrontation.

    • Furthermore why is that there zero records of Jesus Christ (other than your “some kings version” bible) during a period in history when recording was abundant. And why is that every historic pagan religion from every corner of the earth has a savior who did all the things Jesus did. Because he didn’t exist. He is a European plagiarism of horus the ancient Egyptian savior who was born of virgin mother, performed miracles, crucified and then rose from the dead. Get a clue.

  23. I am truly hoping that someday there will be tribunals and people like Perle, Wurmser and Feith will be dragged out of retirement to stand trial concerning Iraq and possibly Iran. One can hope.

  24. I am amazed at the general ignorance of the public at large of the fact that Zionists have been weaving this intricate web for a long time, through our banking institutions, medical profession, political system, and news media. One cannot rule out their influence on education systems and our social structure. This plot has been carefully disguised so as not to arouse suspicion. This is real, not idle paranoid

  25. Maybe my memory is failing… but I keep in mind that during those citizenship classes that I took and during the naturalization swearing ceremony we applicants were informed that upon taking the oath for the American citizenship we will be renouncing any nobility titles, citizenship from another country and service in the armed forces of any country except the US. At least, that is the deal I made if I correctly remember. Then… I have wondered for years why is it that what is applicable to me is not to American Israelis. Aren’t we all living under the same laws? Aren’t we ALL sworn to offer loyalty ONLY to the United States of America?

  26. Not only does this dual citizenship populate the US government, the leader of Israel, Notayahoo, is also a citizen of the US. Jews make up approximately 2% of our population yet 10% are in Congress and 7% are Senators. Thanks for the article. Must say that for too long I’ve had this sense I’m living in the USI, the united states of israel.

    • Just look at the injustice being done to Palestine. Transistioning them out of their land and justifying new settlements, theft of land then ignoring the UN for chastising them for their misdeeds. Tell the TRUTH, about the Lemba Jews and the Cohen Modal DNA strain that they and only they(Buba sect) have connecting them to the true high rabbis of the faith, not a race.

  27. I pray for the world to end as soon as possible. Then all hate for each other will be gone. It’s the only way!

  28. Executive Orders run our Gov’t… Our “We the People” Constitution is basically invalid until the “War and Emergency Powers Acts War and Emergency Powers Act of 1933″ is ended.Their ‘laws’ are called Executive Orders (EOs). EOs, ARE WHAT IS GOVERNING AMERICA TODAY, NOT OUR CONSTITUTION, … We are in a constant state of national emergency, enabling any president to become a dictator. Per BARACK OBAMA: National Emergencies must continue beyond March 6, 2013. …”… Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13288….” :::

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1.  It's up to you to prove the list, if it has relevance for you.  It has no relevance for me.


2.  In any case, I'd say, most Israeli dual citizenship is citizenship by default:



A child born to an Israeli citizen (including children born outside of Israel as first generation out of Israel) is considered an Israeli citizen. (by default) Persons born outside Israel are Israeli citizens, if their father or mother holds Israeli citizenship, acquired either by birth in Israel, according to the Law of Return, by residence, or by naturalization.[1] In other words, the principle of jus sanguinis is limited to only one generation born abroad. Despite this limitation, the descendants of an Israeli national abroad may be eligible to obtain Israeli citizenship through other methods, such as the Law of Return.


Adults may acquire Israeli citizenship through naturalization. To be eligible for naturalization, a person must have resided in Israel for three years out of the previous five years. In addition, the applicant must have a right to reside in Israel on a permanent basis. All naturalization requests are, however, at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior.

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pretty sure I posted on the dual citizen thing, and if you have read any of my israeli post you know where I stand! found some of the comments interesting.

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