
He Didn't Know? He Never Asked?

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One of the consequences of passing massive laws like Obamacare is they will have many parts politicians can ignore at their convenience. The sum effect Obamacare will have on the rule of law is not yet clear. But it won’t be a good one.


The Obama Watch

Individual Mandate: Obama Ignores the Law Again

There it is, in the text of the law, in black and white. But who will hold him accountable?

Wednesday evening the Obama administration extended the deadline for getting insurance coverage and avoiding the individual mandate penalty from February 15 to the end of the open enrollment period, March 31.

Administration officials said that they were just “clarifying”the law, but that’s hard to believe. Why didn’t they clarify it a month ago, instead of three weeks into a disastrous launch of the exchanges? Just a guess, but it might have something to do with the real possibility that people would pay a fine for failing to buy something through exchanges that they could not even access.

Anyway, as someone who opposes the individual mandate as a gross encroachment on liberty, it doesn’t seem like something I should get that worked up about. Yet also at issue is the “rule of law”—namely, does President Obama have the legal authority to do this? Clearly, he doesn’t.

The explanation is technical, so bear with me.

Under Obamacare, an individual can go without insurance for one day less than three months in any calendar year and avoid paying a fine. Once he hits three months without coverage, he must pay a fine for that time and any additional time he remains uninsured.

February 15 was supposed to be the last day to sign up for insurance on the exchange and avoid hitting the three-month limit. The reason is that health insurers require applicants to sign up for coverage by the 15th of the month for coverage that begins on the 1st of the following month. Thus, to qualify for insurance on the exchange that begins March 1, an applicant could sign up no later than February 15.

If he signs up after February 15, the soonest his coverage would begin is April 1. That violates the three-month limit for avoiding the fine. Yet by pushing the deadline back to March 31, Obama has allowed even people who don’t get coverage until May 1—i.e., no coverage for four months—to avoid the penalty under the individual mandate.

Here, specifically, is what the law says: Section 5000A(e) of Obamacare states, “EXEMPTIONS—No penalty shall be imposed…with respect to,” and then lists the conditions for an exemption. Section 5000A(e)(4)(A) states that one of those conditions is “Any month the last day of which occurred during a period in which the applicable individual was not covered by minimum essential coverage for a continuous period of less than 3 months.” (See pages 128-130.)

“Less than 3 months.” It’s there in black letters. And Obama is going to ignore it.

But who is going to hold him accountable? Insurance companies? Well, they may lose some business if the mandate is not enforced as it was supposed to be, but they won’t dare risk the negative press by pushing back. Individuals? No sane individual is going to, say, go to court to have an Obamacare penalty enforced against him. The media? LOL! Indeed, Obama has already learned that he can ignore a law with impunity if it is unpopular, as was the case with the employer mandate.

One of the consequences of passing massive laws like Obamacare is they will have many parts politicians can ignore at their convenience. The sum effect Obamacare will have on the rule of law is not yet clear. But it won’t be a good one.

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George Will: Obamacare Glitches Pose "Mortal Threat" Of Adverse Selection

CHRIS WALLACE: George, is this just a contractor problem?

GEORGE WILL: No. It goes all the way to the top because it threatens the health care law itself and I'll tell you why. First, this has produced some unintentional amusing moments. There was a headline I think we have that was in the New York Times this morning that contained a wonderful word. 

WALLACE: "Republicans, Sensing Weakness in Health Law Rollout, Switch Tactics."

WILL: Sensing weakness. That's like saying the people of San Francisco sensed there had been an earthquake in 1906. And this is calamitous. Usually when we have a Washington debacle we recycle some form of the old Watergate question. What did the president know and when did he know it? The question here is what didn't they know and why didn't they know it? And the answer is almost everything because, in fact, they were not prepared for a massive social experiment. They don't understand the complexity of what they're doing.

The reason all this poses a mortal threat to the law itself is the problem of adverse selection, that is suppose too many signing up are sick. Now, young people, and they're counting on 2.7 million healthy young people to sign up to have a good risk pool. Young people, who are technological savvy, are going to go to the site and say this is disgusting, turn away and get a latte. Who's going to persist in this enterprise?

WALLACE: Sick people.

WILL: The sick people.

WALLACE: People who need it.

WILL: Exactly right. So this does pose an absolutely mortal threat of adverse selection.

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Rogers: Obamacare Is Not Secure, May Have To Redesign Entire System

'The problem is they may have to redesign the entire system. The way the system is designed, it is not secure'

October 27, 2013 11:21 am

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Mike Rogers (R., Mich.) said he is not convinced Obamacare is secure enough to protect private information Sunday on CNN.

Rogers said every time an agency goes to another agency with a piece of information (a “boundary”) the data is vulnerable to being compromised.

The way the Obamacare system is designed, Rogers said, these boundaries are insecure.

Complicating the process further, the entire system may have to be redesigned. Rogers noted he is unconvinced that such corrections will be able to be implemented by the Obama administration’s promised November deadline:

CANDY CROWLEY: On the subject of healthcare, you are hearing this week that you expressed again your real fear about the security of Obamacare as we call it, especially with the hub with seven federal entities gathering information in one place. We’re now told that they should have the computer system and the software fixed by the end f November — end of November. Can they fix the security problems by the end of November?

MIKE ROGERS: Boy, I don’t — this worries me a lot, Candy. The fact that they have different segments of people controlling pieces of information and they say well we don’t store information but they have to store your application at some point. And that’s a lot of your very personal information. And it was very clear to me in the hearing that they do not have an overarching solid cyber security plan to prevent the loss of private information. I’m even more concerned today than I was even last week. I know that they’ve called in another private entity to try to help with the security of it. The problem is they may have to redesign the entire system. The way the system is designed, it is not secure. It is something called a boundary. Every time one agency goes to another agency with a piece of information, that is called a boundary. That’s the most — that’s the weakest, most vulnerable part of that conversation. It was clear to me they don’t have the boundaries concerned and that’s what I’m concerned about.

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October 16, 2013

Obama A 'Complete Failure' - According to Obama!

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt  limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government  cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our  Government's reckless fiscal policies.  Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally.  Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting  the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and  grandchildren. America has a debt problem  and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
~ Senator Barack H.  Obama, March 2006

Don't you just love flashbacks to prove even Obama thinks Obama is a  hypocrite?

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