
time to wake up already

Posted in: Muscatine


Quote: "I have an opinion about the post you posted, even though I never watch or read any of the material,..."


I never posted any material for you to watch or read, dudman. I simply posted a direct question to you, personally as a poster here. It is now even more apparent how far "out there" you really are! You have just proven my case again. Thank you, sir. You have now lost all credibility that may have been remaining. You are hateful of the country that I served and protected. Your posts are insulting and sickening, and you are welcome; in that I defended your right to post this way. How's it feel to know that the very make up of what you despise, defended your right to despise it in the way you do here? Don't bother answering; you'd only get the question wrong anyway; ...again.

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.....................silence....................................................................................................................................occasional sound of crickets...........................................more silence...................................................................quiet............................................................................................................................................................................another post goes unread.................................mobe in the corner of the basement.............................................................more replies........................................................

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Quote: "I have an opinion about the post you posted, even though I never watch or read any of the material,..."


I never posted any material for you to watch or read, dudman. I simply posted a direct question to you, personally as a poster here. It is now even more apparent how far "out there" you really are! You have just proven my case again. Thank you, sir. You have now lost all credibility that may have been remaining. You are hateful of the country that I served and protected. Your posts are insulting and sickening, and you are welcome; in that I defended your right to post this way. How's it feel to know that the very make up of what you despise, defended your right to despise it in the way you do here? Don't bother answering; you'd only get the question wrong anyway; ...again.

First off, that was sarcasm at your expense maybe try reading it again.( here it is-"I have an opinion about the post you posted, even though I never watch or read any of the material, based solely on the propaganda spooned feed to me by the corporate media(Limbaughs, O"Reillys), the corporate owned parties(democrats, republicans) and the corporate owned state and I won't let nothing like truth or facts change it or my beliefs. Merica!!!) secondly, YOU ARE COMPLETELY WRONG if you would read or watch the material you would know that. Thirdly, I too served and so has my family. I have family that came over on the mayflower, so my family has been here since before it was a country. My family has fought in ever war since the Revolutionary war. fourthly, I have answered your question, but just because you post a question does not require of me my answer, because I look to you for no kind of recognition or acceptance from you or team bully, in fact I really don't care what team bully thinks of me. here is my original response-"First off, you the hell are you to expect me to do what you say. Secondly, I don't have to prove nothing to you, you won't find one article or video that would indicate that I hate America and you damn well know my beef is with the federal government, the bankers and their corporations. You're just trying a troll trick to say that because I hate the corrupt federal government I hate America as well, prove it! Thirdly, Why would I even entertain the Ideal of completely the task you ask of when you won't read or watch the material, in fact am trying to show it's we the people vs the elite and how destructive the corporations are to the Earth! You all are bullies that beat up on anyone who post here in opposition of your beliefs and it won't work on me. You profit from the stock in the very corporations that are destroying this planet, You use the very banks that are destroying our constitutional republic and you're voting for the very politicians that are destroying the bill of rights and you have the nerve to say I hate America. Look in the mirror! You're profiting from, funding of and participating in the very destruction of America you claim to love. Maybe if you actually read or watched the material you might know that, but you insist 0n getting your information from corporate media, your corporate owned party and the corporate owned government! Like Reagan said, "government is NOT the answer it's the problem"! Why is homeland security buying billions of rounds, and the spying, the patriot act, NDAA for a few crazy terrorist while they allow the border to be a flood of immigration! Why do politicians you elect pass bills that destroys the bill of rights, makes international deals that allow corporations to move their factories to communist countries and fill federal agencies that are supposed to protect us  with corporate minions that protect the corporations, EPA, FDA, CIA, FBI, DHS, Supreme court, Treasury, White House, Pentagon,  ETC., ETC."


Folks team bully is nothing but trolls and bullies, they make false statements trying to make me look like I hate America when in fact my beef is the corrupt government caused by the international bankers corporate take over of America. FACT.  They use name calling and insults.FACT. They attack anyone with differing beliefs to try and discredit them.FACT. Hey want me to send this to rush or bill and maybe one of them would read it to you! I'll bet team bully unanimously voted for both bush sr and w, whose father/grandfather was a neo-nazis and a traitor and not only funded the Nazis but attempted a military coup with Gen Smedley Butler which thanks to Gen Butler it failed. Thought you loved this country and you vote for the son and grand son of a neo-nazis traitor!Your blind faith in your party, media and government has led us to be in the condition we find America in today. Your corporate owned parties(democrats and republicans) locked up the election process so very few non dem/reps even get into office for the last 50yrs, so basically all this mess America is in is all the democrats and republicans fault because they have been the main holders of office. Thought you loved this country guess you and team bully was asleep at the wheel.

BBC: Bush's Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America

The Mena Connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA drug smuggling part 1/6


JFK II - The Bush Connection (2003)









Obama Requests Immunity for War Criminal George W. Bush


Obama's DOJ has requested that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz be granted immunity in a case that is alleging that they violated international law with the Iraq War...


Bush, Blair wanted for war crimes: Boyle

A prominent international lawyer says former US President George W. Bush, and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair stand guilty of crimes against peace, war crimes and torture, Press TV reports.

In November 2011, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, in which Francis Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois, led the prosecution team, convicted Bush and Blair of crimes against peace and humanity, and genocide over their roles in the Iraq war.

On May 11, 2012, the tribunal also found Bush, former US Vice President Dick Cheney and former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld guilty of the crime of torture.

"We will keep after Bush and Blair for sure for crimes against peace, war crimes and torture in general," Boyle told Press TV in a recent interview.

"We got them both convicted of a Nuremberg crime against peace," he added while referring to the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the principles of international law recognized in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

According to Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances are crimes "punishable" under international law.

In September, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said Blair and Bush should be taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague over their roles in the Iraq war. "We are making efforts now to do this," Boyle stated, adding, "We tried to get Bush in Switzerland, but his lawyers advised him not to go to Switzerland. I tried three times to get Bush in Canada, but unfortunately the Canadian government protected Bush."

"The wheels of justice might turn slowly, but they do turn."

Boyle also criticized the ICC for its failure to bring to justice US, UK and Israeli criminals.

"So far, they are just going after black thugs from Africa and not dealing with this wholesale mass murderers and criminals from the United States, Britain and Israel," he said.

Boyle condemned the Israeli regime for "inflicting outright genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza," adding that there will be hearings in November in Malaysia on the issue of Palestine.


Obama, Biden, Bush, Chainey, Petraeus, Rice, Holder Indicted for Wars Crimes.


There are many more included in this indictment like the Clinton's, but this was going to be the front page story, before the Boston Bombing, just like when Obama released his fake birth certificate, & right after said "I killed Osama Bin Laden" An example of where this idea comes from is where Rahm Emanuel was quoted as saying "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, & what I mean by that is it's an opportunity, to do things that you think you could not do before." He really said that! How about Just before 911 Rumsfeld could not account for, just part of one years spending, 2.3 Trillion Dollars of the military's defense funds were missing, they could not account for 25% of their budget in general, & the 25% is an everyday occurrence, at least it was back in 2001, so the next day the towers come down, the pentagon was hit, among other buildings (Building #7 ?). This story was just swept under the rug, & the defense department no longer had issues getting funding, for their new "War on Terror" See the video on my channel about the "2001 DOD Budget Issues No Longer An Issue Since 911". Read the notes below it describing Rumsfeld's Breakfast/ meeting he had on 911 at the Pentagon, just several minutes before the 1st plane hit the towers, Rumsfeld was quoted by several officials saying that there would be a crisis / event, & the word terror comes out of his mouth. What do people need to see through the smoke & mirrors? Come on people! Are we this stupid?

What I am saying is there is a pattern here, & it's not just the terror attacks drawing attention away from the real stories. What about when these things happen & we cannot even get an Unbiased statement from the "Terrorist", because they are either drugged or killed, or like the recent Boston Bombings, where one of the two suspects was killed & the other one Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, that was found in a local residents boat, but cannot speak, because he supposedly put a gun in his mouth just before being arrested, & had to have a tracheal tube installed, just so that he could breath, which would certainly make it so that he could not speak, & reports say that he was put under (drugged), so that he wouldn't be a bother to the hospital staff? Senator Elizabeth Warren said that "federal prosecutors need to ''find the right balance'' in deciding whether to read Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights" -- in other words if he will be allowed to exercise, as an American citizen, the Fifth Amendment and be granted due process.

Ms. Warren is apparently confused about the Fifth Amendment. It states that no American shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." It doesn't say this can be ignored in the case of supposed terrorists.

Don't get me wrong I'm not defending Terrorist attacks. My problem is the pattern that is emerging, It's starting to have a really bad smell, & the war on terror making our constitution void and null should worry everyone.

Here is another one:
Colorado judge's ruling that Aurora theater shooter James Holmes could be subjected to a "truth serum" if he decides to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. We DO NOT DO THESE KIND OF THINGS IN AMERICA! No matter how guilty we think the "Citizen" is. Again my problem is not with the "Terrorist" or shooter being brought to justice, it's me wondering where the justice is for American Citizens is, the ability to suspend a Citizens Rights when it is convenient, or to simply torture them to get the answers that our government wants. The smell just gets worse & worse! We need to stand up as Americans & take back our Constitution, and Bill of Rights, before they are all gone.

How about this one:
Chris Dorner. He was hunted down & killed rather than being captured , where he would have had a chance to speak, & was burned to death Waco style. Officers were recorded saying "Burn this Mother Fucker" Watch the video on my channel about this "Chris Dormer Cops caught saying "Burn this Mother Fu*****"

These recent Indictments should not only put these criminals in jail, but should roll back these ridiculous changes to our Constitution. like The NDAA, or the Monsantos Protection Act, The Patriot Act, Obama Care, or what about CISPA which they are again trying to pass. Wake up people. Take a stand. Call you Congressman, & Representatives. Tell them you want these criminals put in jail, over this Indictment, which I think is an around the barn way of prosecuting these tyrants for their treason, but could be most effective. It won't get all of them, but it would certainly put the rest of them on the run.

Read my comments below this info.
Fertilizer Plant lawsuit story link:

Illegal home searches in Boston Story, & picture link below:



here you gwbush supporters look what you did to this poor man!!!

Guy confronts George H. W. Bush: "Murderous, Zionist Piece Of Shit"


Dying Iraq War Veteran Tomas Young Reacts to George W. Bush Joke About Missing WMDs


Watch the full interview with Tomas Young on Democracy Now! at During our interview with paralyzed Iraq War veteran Tomas Young, who recently announced he has decided to end his life by discontinuing his medicine and nourishment, we get his reaction to jokes by George W. Bush and Laura Bush made at a White House Correspondents Dinner about missing weapons of mass destruction."


WeAreChange confronts Dick Cheney Stand Down 9_11(360p_H.264-AAC).flv





now to quote chef Ramsey "piss off"



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