
time to wake up already

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When It Comes to Israel, Liberals Can’t Handle the Truth

Here is an excerpt from an interview with Charlie Rose and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal that’s noteworthy:

ROSE: I think I just heard you say — and this — we will close on this — you believe in the coexistence of peoples, and, therefore, you believe in the coexistence of Palestinians and Israelis in the Middle East?

MESHAAL (through translator): I can’t coexist with occupation.

ROSE: Without occupation, you can coexist?

MESHAAL (through translator): I’m ready to coexist with the Jews, with the Christians and with the Arabs and non-Arabs and with those who agree with my ideas and those who disagree with them. However, I do not coexist with the occupiers, with the settlers, and those who…

ROSE: It’s one thing to say you want to coexist with the Jews. It’s another thing you want to coexist with the state of Israel. Do you want to coexist with the state of Israel? Do you want to represent — do you want to recognize Israel as a Jewish state?

MESHAAL (through translator): No. I said I do not want to live with a state of occupiers. I do coexist with other…

ROSE: I’m assuming they’re no longer occupiers. At that point, do you want to coexist and recognize their right to exist, as they would recognize your right to exist?

MESHAAL (through translator): When we have a Palestinian state, then the Palestinian state will decide on its policies. But you cannot actually ask me about the future. I answered you. But Palestinian people can have their say when they have their own state without occupation. In natural situations, they can decide policy vis-a-vis others.

So there you have it. The leader of Hamas says, point blank, it does not want a two-state solution. Yet scores of liberal commentators continue to make arguments like this: “We have to get a solution. And it has to be a two-state solution. And it has to be basically encouraged, if not imposed, I think, from without.”

This is an example of what social scientists call “motivated reasoning.” It refers to when people hold to a false belief despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In this instance, the Hamas charter and the Hamas leader don’t accept Israel’s right to exist. And yet liberals don’t seem to care. They appear to be content to live in world made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust. A world of make believe. And so in the context of Israel’s war with Hamas, they continue to revert to arguments that simply don’t apply–for example, arguing that Israel needs to “end the occupation” despite the fact that Israel completely withdrew from Gaza nearly a decade ago.

Israel, on the other hand, has to live and survive in reality. Israelis know the nature of the enemy they face–implacable, committed, ruthless, malevolent. Given all this, and given that Israel itself is a nation of extraordinary moral and political achievements, you might think that the United States government would be fully supportive of the Jewish state in its war against Hamas. But you would be wrong.

The Obama administration is racheting up pressure on Israel. Hamas’s war on Israel, combined with its eagerness to have innocent Palestinians die as human shields in order to advance its propaganda campaign, is pushing America (under Obama) not toward Israel but away from her. Mr. Obama and the left perceive themselves as reality based and their critics as fantasy based. It’s a conceit without merit. And in no case is it more evident than in the left’s stance toward Hamas and Israel.

This is a case where reality and all the arguments, including all the moral arguments, align on one side; and yet Obama and the left are on the other.

They live in a fantasy world. In this instance, doing so has diabolic consequences.

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On the anniversary of 9/11, here is something you might know, but the vast majority of people do not know, because the media has failed utterly in informing them. Thomas Kean was the chairman of the 9/11 commission. The US government set up the commission to investigate what happened on 9/11. He was given $3 million to conduct the investigation! Yes, you read right. $3 million. Guess how much money congress allocated for the investigation into Bill Clinton's sex life? No? Okay. They spent $65 million on finding out whether or not Bill had oral sex with an intern. Back to 9/11 commission chairman Thomas Kean. In August 2006 he co-authored a book about his experience of investigating 9/11. In it he says that the 9/11 commission was "set up to fail" and that "the commission was so frustrated with repeated misstatements by officials from The Pentagon and the Federal Aviation Administration during the investigation, that it considered a separate investigation into possible obstruction of justice by Pentagon and FAA officials". Did you just read that? The man charged with investigating 9/11 said he was hampered at every turn, to the point he looked into possibly bringing obstruction charges against the various justice departments. Most people in the world today, do not know this, because their TV and radio stations and their newspapers are not informing them. The People's Voice is going to change this. We will never tell you what to think or what to believe, but we will put all the information in front of you and let you make your own mind up. It's the way it should be.





"...we will put all the information in front of you and let you make your own mind up."


You report; we decide. What a novel concept. I wonder if anyone else has tried that?

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Don’t Close Your Eyes: Iraq Is Torturing And Purging Christians



To listen to the news, one would think that the only grave problems in the world right now are Vladimir Putin, Israeli war crimes in Gaza, the humanitarian crisis on the southern U.S. border, and the possibility of Ebola reaching the West. Granted, those are all huge concerns—in part because those stories as presented are riddled with questionable assumptions and relevant omissions—but there is another story of the world in meltdown: the Christian purge in Iraq.

“Every day we think that the crisis cannot get worse and every day it does. Yesterday, over 1,500 people were killed and the Islamic State (formally known as ISIS) simply said, ‘We can do anything now, the world is just looking at Gaza.’”

That was Wednesday’s plea from the “Vicar of Baghdad,” Canon Arthur White, the vicar of the only Episcopal church in Iraq, St. George’s Church in Bagdhad. His Twitter avatar describes him more succinctly than I can.


The Islamic State, IS, currently holds Mosul. This is the terror group ISIS that made the news when they were marching over the progress to peace and stability made in Iraq. When they were an example of George W. Bush and Tony Blair’s folly, a confirmation that our soldiers killed in the Iraq war died in vain, then ISIS got coverage. But once IS took over Mosul and so many other parts of the world melted down, they largely dropped out of the news.

But it was not because IS stopped inflicting horror. On Friday, June 18, word went out from the mosques of Mosul that Christians could “convert, leave, or die.” They had until noon the next day. IS supporters spray-painted a red Arabic “N” on Christian homes and property. The “N” is for Nazarene, a Middle-Eastern slur for Christians.

Media Protecting Terrorists

Supposedly, they have issued an edict that all girls in Mosul must undergo female genital mutilation (FGM). That did make the news. Concerns over women’s safety are coverable for the mainstream media in a way that concerns over Christians’ safety are not. But even then, concern for Muslim reputation takes precedence over women’s safety. The news coverage focused on doubts about the FGM edict—very flimsy doubts.  For example, IS denied the report and bloggers suggested FGM was not prevalent in Iraq. Yes, well, the area wasn’t under control of Islamic extremists until recently and any group that releases a “slickly produced” 30-minute promotional video of mass executions doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt on questions of its evil-doings. (The link is not to the very graphic video, but the Daily Mail story about the video. There are stills—not graphic but chilling—and you can watch the video at that link.)

My husband has been constantly contacted by reporters covering the Middle East over the past week or so about the Iraqi-Kurdish dispute over oil. He has asked them why we see so little coverage of the Christian purge. They tell him it is difficult to get first-hand accounts and footage to verify and support a report. Yet Elizabeth Scalia has video of multiple local interviews. Based upon his blog, I’m sure White would be willing to speak to the press. In fact, his blog entries are first-hand accounts themselves, and he was in the United Kingtom last week and spoke to the BBC. I’d embed audio, but I can’t find it on the BBC website, only on the vicar’s Facebook page. (In case you wonder about his slow speech, he has multiple sclerosis.) The Times of London printed a letter from a former Bishop of the Church of England. National Review has photos of the spray-painted N.

Considering some of the questionable reports coming out of the Gaza coverage, the relative news silence about the Christian purge makes little sense, if finding and verifying sources and stories is really the problem.

Many Christians have followed the news through new media with growing desperation. We want to know what we can do. I confess, this is the first time since college I have been tempted to get a tattoo. The idea came at a moment of helplessness, of the need to do something, anything. White also runs the Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East. For those who would like to help, that seems a good place to start.

Otherwise, I suggest approaching your church to discuss forming a network of sponsors for possible refugee Christian children from the Middle East. (For example, Coptic Christians in Egypt aren’t under threat from IS, but they are hardly safe.) A recent issue statement on refugee children from the Center for American Progress explains the rationale:

In the long term, more investments are needed to rebuild civil society and stop the violence in Central America. Likewise, the United States should explore the possibility of accepting the persecution of children as meeting the threshold for asylum status; currently, children are unlikely to be viewed as being targeted as a member of a “particular social group,” a necessary legal determination and prerequisite for gaining refugee status. In the meantime, the president has the authority to accelerate the process for children fleeing violence, without sacrificing fairness or due process and without changing existing law.

Christian children from the Middle East could easily meet the standard of “being targeted as a member of a particular social group.”

The U.S. border is essentially open to children right now. If children from Central America fleeing general violence can come and remain in the United States out of concern for their safety, then surely Middle-Eastern Christian children fleeing violence directed at them would be welcome as well.????

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