
The Crook Harry Reid Behind Ranch War

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Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch


BLM attempted cover-up of Sen. Reid/Chinese gov’t takeover of ranch for solar farm

Kit Daniels
April 11, 2014

The Bureau of Land Management, whose director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations.

Corrupt Democratic Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) working with the Chinese gov't to take land from hard-working Americans.

Corrupt Democratic Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) working with the Chinese gov’t to take land from hard-working Americans.

Deleted from but reposted for posterity by the Free Republic, the BLM document entitled “Cattle Trespass Impacts” directly states that Bundy’s cattle “impacts” solar development, more specifically the construction of “utility-scale solar power generation facilities” on “public lands.”

“Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle,” the document states.

The first segment of the document pulled by the feds from

The first segment of the document pulled by the feds from

Another BLM report entitled Regional Mitigation Strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone (BLM Technical Note 444) reveals that Bundy’s land in question is within the “Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone and surrounding area” which is part of a broad U.S. Department of Energy program for “Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States” on land “managed” by BLM.

The second segment of the document pulled by the feds from

The second segment of the document pulled by the feds from

“In 2012, the BLM and the U.S. Department of Energy published the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States,” the report reads. “The Final Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement assessed the impact of utility-scale solar energy development on public lands in the six southwestern states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.”

Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone and surrounding area (Click to enlarge.)

Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone and surrounding area (Click to enlarge.)

“The Approved Resource Management Plan Amendments/Record of Decision (ROD) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States implemented a comprehensive solar energy program for public lands in those states and incorporated land use allocations and programmatic and SEZ-specific design features into land use plans in the six-state study area.”

Back in 2012, the New American reported that Harry Reid’s son, Rory Reid, was the chief representative for a Chinese energy firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada.

And journalist Marcus Stern with Reuters also reported that Sen. Reid was heavily involved in the deal as well.

“[Reid] and his oldest son, Rory, are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant in the southern Nevada desert,” he wrote. “Reid has been one of the project’s most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project in Nevada.”

“His son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission.”

Although these reports are in plain view, the mainstream media has so far ignored this link.

The BLM’s official reason for encircling the Bundy family with sniper teams and helicopters was to protect the endangered desert tortoise, which the agency has previously been killing in mass due to “budget constraints.”

“A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher; they want his land,” journalist Dana Loesch wrote. “The tortoise wasn’t of concern when [U.S. Senator] Harry Reid worked with BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore.”

“Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests,” she added. “BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area.”

“If only Cliven Bundy were a big Reid donor.”

Update: The Drudge Report, the #1 news aggregate site in the world, has now picked up this story.  Unfortunately for the BLM, the documents they wanted to delete are now exposed for the world to see.

Update #2: ENN Energy Group describes itself as a “privately-owned clean energy distributor in China.”  However, as the People’s Republic of China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, all large companies in China, one way or the other, are either controlled or are heavily influenced by the Chinese government.

Infowars reporter David Knight confronts the Clark County Sheriff’s Office about this land grab – WARNING some strong language:

Alex crystallizes Sen. Reid’s involvement in the Nevada land grab:


This article was posted: Friday, April 11, 2014  at  2:24 pm

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Mobay, note:  A clear case demonstration of how the traditional "media" is being overwhelmed by new technology, the internet, and the grass roots movement of the American people:


Why The Feds Chickened Out On A Nevada Ranch

Kevin McCullough | Apr 13, 2014



Let me obliterate a bit of confusion here: the Obama administration attempted to go to war with a rancher in Nevada. Let me amplify a little bit of truth: They tucked tail and have returned home. And let me add a bit of clarity: they had no choice!

As the nation began to become familiar with the plight of the family of Cliven Bundy, many of us harkened back to another standoff in which the Federal government attempted to bully it's outcome: Waco, Texas and the Branch Davidian massacre.

It is telling that in the Nevada case the feds pulled out so quickly, given all they had indicated they were willing to do to resolve the matter to their satisfaction. They had set up a perimeter around the Bundy's family land, ranch, and home. They had brought in extra artillery, dogs, and snipers. They were beginning the process of stealing more than 300 head of cattle that did not belong to them.

They did so--or so we were told--for the reason of protecting the desert tortoise. But then it was revealed that the Bureau of Land Management had shot far more desert tortoises than the Bundy cattle had even possibly destroyed. We were told they did it because the Bundys had broken federal laws by not paying what amounted to retroactive grazing fees to the federal government. But the Governor of the state of Nevada told us that Bundy had paid every ounce of state tax, met the state requirements, and their family had been improving the property more than 100 years previous.

Finally we were allowed to know the connection between a communist Chinese wind/solar power plant and its connection to that senator named Harry Reid. Evidently a plan had been hatched to use the Bundy property for a solar farm and instead of paying the Bundys, someone, somewhere in the administration believed it was easier to just take what they wanted.

That approach is at least consistent with the readily documented abuse of eminent domain where the government for any number of reasons--few of them valid--have taken to taking what doesn't belong to them. Americans then watch as it gets handed over to some multi-national corporation for the "cause" of the "greater good."

There were a few specific reasons why the feds chickened out in the Nevada desert though.

1. Technology - As the Bundy family members were abused, cameras captured it. Not television network cameras, but dozens of cell phone video devices that gave witness to a Bundy aunt being shoved to the ground, and a Bundy son being tazed. All of this while threatening protestors with dogs, brandished weapons and vehicles was captured, uploaded and made viral to the watching world.

2. States' Rights - As the drama unfolded it became clear that the Governor of Nevada, and the Sheriff of Clark County knew that Cliven Bundy's family had not only not broken any state law regarding the land, but that they had gone to the enth degree to insure compliance with Nevada laws on the property. The Governor and the Sheriff, to their credit, did not favor the feds as a more powerful party in the conflict. Though there must have been pressure from Senator Reid's office, the administration via the Bureau of Land Management, and local officials who were bought and sold like the Clark County Commissioner who told those coming to support the Bundys to have "funeral plans in place."

3. Grassroots Response (the actual "TEA Party) - As other incidents have transpired in the past, the amount of time it took honest information to reach the grassroots and thus the response to the action came to slow. In the massacre in Waco, most of the nation had been sold a single narrative from the limited media outlets covering the events. Similarly the events surrounding the abduction of Elian Gonzales from his family in Florida and deportation to Cuba took place in such a response vacuum that by the time Americans knew the real story, the damage was done. With the Bundy ranch, internet outlets by the dozen had competing information with the limited "official news" being released by the networks, and in most cases the alternative sources had it correct and usually a full day or so ahead of the news cycle. By the time afternoon drive hit, when the network news rooms in New York were preparing their first stories, talk radio audiences had already been dialing their elected officials in Washington demanding action.

The majority of Americans saw through the efforts to spin the story in Nevada. Couple that with the leadership failures that the American people view the administration responsible for, from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act, all it took was the unedited video of federal agents tazing Bundy's son, followed by his pulling the wires from his chest and continuing to stand his ground for there to be comparisons made to the American revolution.

It's also important to note that merely pulling back from the Bundy property hasn't settled the matter for the American people either.

The feds have stolen 352 head of cattle, and will not confirm or deny if they euthanized some or all of them. Recompense must be made. And to be candid, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see if a few ambitious law firms don't try to convince the Bundy family of the validity of litigation.

Fortunately for the American people, the feds were not able to ultimately bully a simple rancher, not for a tortoise, a solar power plant, or a dirty Senator and his administration.

We owe the Bundy family a great deal of thanks for standing tall.

For if the federal government is allowed to do it with one, then there will be nothing stopping them from doing it again.



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FLASHBACK: Breaks Ground for Solar Farm Near Ranch...



Sheriff: Feds strategize for 'raid' on ranch

Warning follows threat from Harry Reid that grazing dispute  'not over'

Published:  15 hours ago


The executive director of the Constitutional  Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association says his sources inside the federal  government warn that Washington’s weekend retreat in a dispute over grazing land  in Nevada was only a move to distract attention and diffuse tensions, because a  raid on the family’s ranch still is planned.

And there probably would be violence involved, said Richard Mack, the former  sheriff of Graham County, Ariz.

“I don’t think it would be possible” to launch a raid without violence, he  told WND Monday. “I don’t think the Bundys would lie down and be taken.”

He cited the vow by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., that the confrontation was far  from over, despite the weekend’s retreat by armed gunmen working for federal  agencies.

Reid on Monday told KRNV-TV in Reno: “It’s not over. We can’t have an  American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it’s  not over.”  (But Mexican's violating our laws and walking away, is just great, right?)

The grazing-land conflict has been  developing for decades.

Cliven Bundy, who ranches in Clark County, and members of his extended family  have grazed cattle on land there for more than a century. He stopped paying  federal grazing fees years ago, contending his operation existed before the  federal government was there.

But the standoff reached a boiling point one week ago as hundreds of federal  agents and allies surrounded Bundy’s ranch and were faced with citizen  resistance, both armed and unarmed.

The Associated Press said the U.S. Bureau of Land Management decided over the  weekend to stop rounding up Bundy’s cattle and release animals agents already  had seized.

BLM chief Neil Kornze said in a statement: “Based on information about  conditions on the ground and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made  a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concerns about  the safety of employees and members of the public.”

Mack, a longtime sheriff, told WND that Reid’s statements are beyond the  pale.

“That kind of stupidity, where he puts federal regulations and policies of  bureaucrats ahead of a family in his state that has done no wrong or committed a  crime,” Mack said.

He charged that it is Reid who is destroying his own state’s ranching  industry as well as the U.S. Constitution. The sheriff chided the senator for  making statements about abiding by laws.

“Isn’t that amazing? The biggest crook in Washington,” Mack said.

On the issue of a raid, he said: “That’s what we have heard. It’s not  confirmed. People we had on the inside told us the BLM still is considering  raiding the Bundy ranch. We’re going to keep in touch with them, protect them,  pray for them.”

Details that are uncovered will be posted on the CSPOA  website, he said.

Mack said his organization is part of an effort to save America.

“Yes, America is in deep, deep trouble. The good news is that there is hope,” Mack said. “We do not have to stand by and watch while America is destroyed from  within. If our counties, cities, and states and all local officers keep their  oaths to protect us from tyranny, we can win this battle to take our country  back.”

As  WND reported, an estimated 200 armed officers of the BLM had been deployed  to Bundy’s property in Bunkerville, Nev., 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas,  charging the rancher has been in violation of a law that aims to protect an  endangered desert tortoise. The BLM also said Bundy owes more than $1 million in  grazing fees to the federal government.

But Bundy found support from the governor and other prominent political  leaders along with a host of protesters from other states, including fellow  cattle ranchers and private armed militias.

A Montana militia member, Jim Lardy, told KLAS-TV in Las Vegas his group,  Operation Mutual Aid, was prepared to “provide armed response.”

He said he was not afraid to shoot, if necessary.

“They have guns. We need guns to protect ourselves from the tyrannical  government,” Lardy said.

Other militia members were joining him, he said: “There is many more  coming.”

Nevada’s Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval said the federal government’s tactics  allowed the tensions to nearly erupt in armed violence.

“No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor  the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans,” Sandoval said. “The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act  accordingly.”

Cliven Bundy’s son, Ammon Bundy, told  WND earlier that federal authorities had not been merely relocating the  cattle but were engaged in actions that killed some animals.

“They are flying helicopters over the herd to chase them,” Ammon Bundy said. “It was over 90 degrees here today, and the cattle can’t run very far in this  heat before collapsing. This is especially true for the young calves. We have a  lot of them being born because it is springtime, and they don’t have the  strength to keep up with their mothers when they are running. The cattle then  become overheated and die.”

Cliven Bundy is the last rancher operating in Clark County, where he’s been  grazing his cattle on a 600,000-acre portion of land managed by the BLM called  Gold Butte. His family, whose ties to the land go back to the 1880s, has been  engaged in a dispute since 1993 with the Bureau of Land Management over  long-established cattle-grazing rights.

After years of wrangling in the courts, BLM last week secured a federal court  order declaring Bundy’s herd to be “trespass cattle” and began removing the  animals.

Ammon Bundy said he was with a group of about 50 people “peacefully  protesting the removal of the cattle” when “suddenly, 14 units with Rangers came  off the mountain – 13 of them were armed ranger vehicles with two rangers per  unit.”

He said the protesters went over to see what was in a dump truck, “because we  were afraid this might have been a rendering vehicle, and we wanted to know what  was in the back of the truck.”

See video of the confrontation with Ammon Bundy and protesters:



The rangers got out of their vehicles and the conflict escalated, he  said.

“Things got pretty ugly for awhile. They threw a 65-year-old woman on the  ground, they tased me twice and they had dogs out there.”



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