Support needed for Gas Meter Hearing TONIGHT
House Committee on Corporations Hearing on H5008
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 4:30 PM
RI State House, Room 203
The House Corporations Committee is having a hearing TONIGHT (Wednesday), at 4:30pm in Room 203 for House Bill 5088. Attendees have been encouraged to arrive at 4:00pm in order to get seats in the hearing room and to sign the list to testify. A large turnout is crucial, so please come whenever you are able.
Bill H5008 is the legislation introduced by Representatives Costantino, Fox, Slater, Ajello, & Williams to protect Rhode Island homes and property owners against exterior gas meter installations that are destructive to property values and that are visually and physically intrusive on historic and non-historic homes throughout Rhode Island.
Representative Costantino emphasized the importance of having a group representing ALL parts of Rhode Island in attendance. This call to action is critical, especially since the statewide scope and impact of this issue has been repeatedly downplayed by National Grid in the press and in its public relations.
It has been a long road to this point. Please attend tonight's hearing to represent your concerns and to support this extremely important step in having your rights protected.
If you cannot attend the hearing, please email your comments or testimony to AND to the House committee members who will be conducting the hearing for this legislation:
Corporations Committee Chairman Representative Brian Patrick Kennedy
Corporations Committee Secretary Representative Al Gemma
Bill Sponsor Representative Steven Costantino
1) Come to the hearing TONIGHT (Wednesday) to show your support. Fill the room and testify in favor of the bill.
2) Send an email to your friends, neighbors, and other groups from all over Rhode Island who care about their homes and real estate investments and ask them to attend.
3) Let us know if you plan on coming BUT, if you can't make the hearing, please send an email to with your testimony and comments. They will present it at the hearing if you can't make it.
A summary of the bill by Edward F. Sanderson, Executive Director, RI Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS. LOCATION OF GAS REGULATORS AND GAS METERS, H5088 would establish procedures for the location or relocation of gas regulators and gas meters on residential property by a public utility, and would make additional provisions regarding historic buildings.
The bill was drafted in response to concerns that National Grid is moving gas meters out of the basement and onto the visible front of historic houses and this is having a negative visual impact in historic districts in Providence. Preservation advocates from other cities and towns have expressed concern also.
Interested citizens are invited to express their views at the hearing.
It is important for the Committee to hear from you.