Saturday, May 23, 2009
Dear Arthur and friends,
My younger brother accidentally broke up a breaking and entering ring in the late 1970's in East Pleasant View. During that time, my parent's neighbors on the east side and north side of our home had been burglarized. My father and mother wisely purchased a 150 pound German Shepherd to keep domestic order.
One hot, summer day in 1979, my brother noticed a neighbor's venetian blinds signaling like the old Navy distress calls. Curious, my brother looked a few hundred feet in a westerly direction down the street and saw a car facing the neighbor's home, signaling with his headlights.
Immediately, my brother called Pawtucket Police who responded to the situation within two minutes. No one was arrested. However, my brother's quick look stopped most of the breaking and entering on our street in East Pleasant View for several years.
Found out many years later a 25 year old and a combination of his brothers living across the street from us were likely responsible for the break-ins.
Lesson learned: Pay attention to the cars on your street. Watch for unfamiliar cars or suspicious behavior.