Saturday, May 30, 2009
Dear Arthur and friends,
On February 20, the Neighborhood Alliance of Pawtucket web site reported neighbors said the mergers of city churches St. Joseph's Church, Sacred Heart, and Our Lady of Consolation seemed imminent.
In the "Providence Journal" of Friday, May 29, the Diocese officially released information of the three churches will merge into one parish, the Holy Name Catholic Community, by July 1. Nevertheless, the diocese said they will not release information of which two churches will close and which church will survive after the summer.
The date of Wednesday, July 1 will be a terrible day for local Irish and French immigrants and their families who proved victims of changing demographics. Key problems for the present: What will be the fates of the Pawtucket Soup Kitchen at St. Joseph's or the food pantry and other far-reaching food services and missions at Sacred Heart? What will happen to the wonderful OLC choir?
Peace, Ludlow1