Hello All.....as I walk my dog in the neighborhood of Oak Hill, many people are talking about the absurdly high tax increase we have all been hit. The increase was suppose to be 5-8%...the bills came in at 25-30% increase, while our property value goes down. I am not an expert on this by any means...but it appears that we are paying for the rest of Pawtucket, where the homes were devalued at a greater rate...when in fact that is not the reality. Why should we be penalized for being finanacially responsible? Financial responsibility does not mean we should take care of those who cant or are reckless. I think the burden is on the City to be responsible to all itc citizens, not just those who are financially struggling or who chose not to struggle and just give up.
IS the Skate Board park that critical....?????? I think if the city really thought about this, they would realize they may be creating Oak Hill as the next neighborhood to start seeing more forclosures...
Lets get together and try to do something about this before something worse happens...