"Carpets for the Riverfront a sound or unsound idea?"
Sounds great! It's not exactly waterfront propery and it abuts the highway, so I don't see the land as being particularly desirable as residential property. Save that for the dealership site across the street.
"Also on Monday, the Zoning Board officially rejected applicant Megan Andelloux's appeal of a decision to reject her proposal for a sexual health center on Main Street because of a planned educational use. Andelloux has indicated that her next step will likely be to bring the city to court over the matter, as she says her Constitutional rights have been violated."
You have to be kidding. Does the Cty have some vested interest in keeping Downtown as vacant as possible? Do they even understand that restricting "educational" uses is mainly to combat traffic at typical school dropoff/pickup times, and an adult "educational" facility such as Andelloux's should be classified as Retail for zoning purposes (like the other "educational" facilities in the Grant)?