A website that is very active about our neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods as well as information from the city, AISD, and other agencies should an event be happening in the area.
Go to nextdoor.com to register. You must enter your address so they can find your appropriate neighborhood and your email address. You will only be added to the group after they verify your address. They will send a postcard to the physical address you supply that has a code. You sign in via the email and supply the code.
I have not gotten an increase in spam or other negative things. I have gotten a lot of good information. There are a number of us from NO Hillside on the site. I have been notified about Amber Alerts, crime in our area to be aware of, weather closing etc, People from surrounding neighborhoods post if they see anything unusual in the area. You set the parameters for what you want to see
It is a very active site with daily updates not all old news. Check it out.