The turn out at the annual meeting was minimal and basically consisted of a casual Q&A with the group assembled and the board members present. As far as official minutes I believe we can come up with a record for publication.. Basically the reading of the financial information, discussion of what it is we have done and what it is we will be doing. Dave Stephens is our new board member and Dale has stepped down, we are in the process of selecting a new board member to replace Jim. Gail has done a wonderful job with her plantings and selections, we have included some additonal monies in next years budget for her to complete her plan and will do a thourogh mulch job in the spring. Like it was when you were involved, the majority of the burden lays on the board, yes Gail has been weeding, and Scott has jumped in several times at Gtwn so that is pretty much a Gail and Scott effort. We have also recently received volunteer help from the folks across the street from me at 59th street, they seem to be taking ownership and want to be involved on our end of the complex.