North Phoenix Alliance's Bob Beletz started a revitilization project in January of 2005 to revive the Block Watch effort in District One. Many block watches have folded due to lack of support by fellow residents involvement and lack of recruitment. By identifying the needs of block watches by discussions with groups strong and weak recruitment was one of the main issues that always came out.
"It is a natural partnership." Said Bob Beletz when asked why he wanted to bring the state's largest elementary school district and block watches together. He went on to say "With the involvement families have with their local schools, if a school and the local neighborhood came together they could accomplish so much more as a team."
Since then Wonderful things have come about. Twenty eight out of 32 schools have enjoyed a fruitful partnership with their local blockwatch. Each has partnered on projects ranging from exchanging news articles to health and safety fairs. Also several grants have been written with both groups as partners.
The future looks bright for this partnership. North Phoenix Alliance is the leader in forging new partnerships and thinking "outside the box" when it comes to new ideas.
North Phoenix Alliance
Washington Elementary School District