North Stonewall Terrace Neighborhood Assn.

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North Stonewall Terrace Neighborhood Association

North Stonewall Terrace is located north of Mockingbird Lane between Skillman and Matilda Bridge.

It is a charming addition tucked in the fabulous East Dallas Area.  Benefits to this neighborhood are

the location of Stonewall Elementary an Expemplary school in DISD, and proximatey to the downtown and uptown business centers.  Not to mention the shopping and events in East Dallas and Lower Greenville. 



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anyone want to walk with me after 6:30 Mon - Thursday or weekend mornings? more
Started: February 10th 2015Replies: 0


 I welcome all the area neighbors! This is my first post, however when I found this great site with neighborhood links I was disappointed that our neighborhood association was not... more
Started: November 4th 2011Replies: 16

Dallas Drought Contigency Plan

Started: February 6th 2012Replies: 0

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