A meeting sign has went up this Friday morning. Notice it does not refer to a 'Board' meeting or a 'Resident's' meeting as in the past. It gives the appearance of a plea for attendance. We all know there is very little of that if any as you or I do not want or have never and may never want to attend. Why you ask? It's the same old story of the board not letting one speak for longer than three minutes or they are not interested in what you have to say. Can that be so? No way! Maybe they have their own agenda so to speak. Who knows one might say. Care to attend and get a feel of the vibes?
What's on your mind if anything? Your board wants to know. They also want to tell you what's new. You won't hear it anywhere else other than the local gossip maybe. Where's the flyer announcing this meeting and headlining what the agenda is? That's the question of the day. Could it be that there was no quorum at the annual meeting recently? One can assume from prior participation this may be so.
Will things improve? We shall have to wait and see my friends...