Normandy Heights

Adopt - A-Road

Posted in: Berry Valley
Is anyone interested in volunteering to particpiate in the Adopt-A-Road program for Lexington Drive?

There is a lot of litter on the road and I believe that working togther to clean it up it would be a great way to contribute the community.


My name is Jill Sears-Stergiou.  I am on the Landscape commitee.  My husband and I pick up the trash along Lexington about every other day.  The sad thing is that if I go out in the morning and pick up all the trash from Davis to the Loop by mid afternoon you can not tell that I had picked up anything.


Thanks for helping with the litter.  Since Lexington has connected to Middletown road it has become worse, however, some of our own  Berry Valley teenagers are the cause of the trash.  I have seen them litter.  Hopefully parents will teach there children to not only keep there neighborhood clean but to help with the clean up when they walk to and from school.

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