Normandy Heights

Important Zoning meeting 6/15

Posted in: Turf Valley Overlook
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FROM: Pat Brocato-Simons, President
RE: Route 40 Task Force Public Meeting, June 15, 7:00 PM, Ellicott City Senior Center
Since Fall 2003, I have been a member of the Rt. 40 Task Force funded by Howard County and commissioned by County Executive Robey to study traffic and other issues along Route 40 (starting just east of Turf Valley Road and continuing beyond Route 29 to the Baltimore County Line). The goals of the task force are to suggest improvements in traffic, transportation, and land use, in addition to pointing out the economic and aesthetic strengths and weaknesses along this prominent and well-traveled Route 40 corridor.
The only part of Route 40 not being considered in this study is the Turf Valley Resort (TVR). As I have shared with you in the past, and you have no doubt read in various newspapers, the developer has asked the County for approval to build a total of 2,000 homes and over 500,000 square feet of commercial office and retail space. If approved, TVR would represent almost 40% of all commercial development along this stretch of Route 40.
TVO I, in unison with 8 neighboring communities (representing over 800 families), has repeatedly asked the County to include TVR in the economic and infrastructure analysis of Route 40, including the deteriorating traffic situation. We believe that the accuracy and validity of its evaluation will be questionable if the task force fails to study TVR?’s pending expansion and include its findings in its final report.
At the most recent Responsible Growth in our Neighborhoods (REGION) coalition meeting, attendees were fortunate to have Steve Johns, DPZ and Rt. 40 Task Force Coordinator, provide a detailed presentation on the Route 40 Enhancement Study The Route 40 Task Force will be presenting their preliminary report next Tuesday, June 15, from 7 to 9 pm at the Ellicott City Senior Center (behind the Miller Library on Frederick Road). We urge all of our residents to attend this meeting and support our position that TVR, including all proposed construction, should be included within the scope of the Route 40 Enhancement Study.
For your information, I have attached the link to Monday's Baltimore Sun article that outlines the Task Force's preliminary recommendations,0,1904237.story?coll=bal-local-howard. Please remember that the final report will form the foundation for the County's Route 40 design manual.
Once again, we need to demonstrate our resolve to the County Executive, the County Council, and pertinent County staff. We can achieve this goal if each community commits to bringing 25 people to the meeting. As your HOA president, a member of the Rt. 40 Task Force, a member of REGION, the 2nd VP of MWES, and a fellow neighbor and friend, I urge you to find the time to attend this meeting on Tuesday evening and learn more about the plans for the future of our community while also lending your support. Every bit of rezoning, redistricting, and development affects our surrounding infrastructure, and in turn, each of us.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Together, our coalition's efforts have continued to ''make a difference'' by commanding the attention of both the County administration and the press. Although I will be attending my daughter?’s MWES graduation, and will most likely not be able to attend, I hope those of you without previous engagements will consider doing so.

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