Pool issues
There are many issues in this neighborhood that need to be inforced. But unfortunately there are few volunteers and more neighbors who complain and dont do anything about it. With the pool, I agree, I have a three year old that loves the pool. And I hate going at 10:30 in the morning in the hot sun, just to enjoy it. Unfortunaly, there are not enough volunteers to inforce the rules at the pool. So, as a community, we all need to take responsibility and call 911 or 311 when there are disturbances inside or outside the pool. There are rules set for reasons. The age requirement may not be a rule that most of us like, but it is one. So we all must abide by it. Just because we may not agree with the rule, does not mean we dont have to abide by it.And at the same time, dont get frustrated when a neighbor takes upon herself/himself to inforce rules that are in our covenant. I applaud the ones who do take the time to volunteer however they can, whenver they can. And as a response to the ''for sale'' signs going up, no one knows the reasons why the houses are up for sale. There are numerous reasons why people move. It may be they dont like the neighborhood, or it could be that they got forclosed on. It could be more personal reasons. SO we all need to stop assuming why someone moves out of the neighborhood.
By Vernell
There are many issues in this neighborhood that need to be inforced. But unfortunately there are few volunteers and more neighbors who complain and dont do anything about it. With the pool, I agree, I have a three year old that loves the pool. And I hate going at 10:30 in the morning in the hot sun, just to enjoy it. Unfortunaly, there are not enough volunteers to inforce the rules at the pool. So, as a community, we all need to take responsibility and call 911 or 311 when there are disturbances inside or outside the pool. There are rules set for reasons. The age requirement may not be a rule that most of us like, but it is one. So we all must abide by it. Just because we may not agree with the rule, does not mean we dont have to abide by it.And at the same time, dont get frustrated when a neighbor takes upon herself/himself to inforce rules that are in our covenant. I applaud the ones who do take the time to volunteer however they can, whenver they can. And as a response to the ''for sale'' signs going up, no one knows the reasons why the houses are up for sale. There are numerous reasons why people move. It may be they dont like the neighborhood, or it could be that they got forclosed on. It could be more personal reasons. SO we all need to stop assuming why someone moves out of the neighborhood.
By Vernell