We have been the victim of graffiti crime one in December of 08 on our back fence facing the walkway and now July 09. Our neighbor on the otherside of the walkway behind our house was also vandalized at the time in 08 as well as the Northfield Rec Center. At the time we had just paid for a new fence to be rebuilt after Ike. There are a lot of kids that use the walk way behind our house to jump the school fence to get to the basketball court of Milne Elementary. I wish HOA would put a gate there as there is in one in all other walkways, except ours.
Last night's crime was our gate leading to our backyard located on the side of our house to the front. It's frustrating to see that this has occured again. I don't know of it is kids that have nothing better to do, since it is Summer break or something more serious.
I am interested in knowing if anyone else is having a problem with the same crime. We have contacted HPD and have plans to contact HOA. I am also warning my neighbors of what has occurred. I know that with the economy being as it is, people are turning more towards crime. We have lived in our house for 3 years and I would never have expected this, we usually have a fairly quiet street.
I hope that our experience makes everyone more aware of their surroundings more and their neighbors to keep it safe from all crime, if you do see suspicious activity please do not hesitate to contact HPD.