Oak Ridge Homeowners Association

ORHA Meeting Minutes

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Oak Ridge Homeowners Association
Annual Members?’ Meeting Minutes
1/15/04 6:30 p.m. ?– North Shelby Library
Minutes Prepared by Mark Coby

1. Quorum achieved by homeowners present and proxy holders representing 24 of 65 homes, or 37%. Current directory was updated as homeowners signed in for the meeting and made any necessary changes. Copies of the Bylaws and Covenants were distributed to each home represented at the meeting. Additional copies are available from the ORHA Board.

2. 2003 President Mike Allain called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Newcomers were welcomed and refreshments were served.

3. Review of 2003:

- 55% (36/65) of homeowners paid the $35 annual dues, compared to 58% who paid during 2002.
- Front entrance was maintained and power bills were paid.
- Ditch on HWY 119 was cleaned by County.
- Football game parking in neighborhood was addressed with warning flyers on windshields.

4. Financial Report was presented by Treasurer ?– Randy Shealy (Copy attached).

5. Items Discussed:

- Football game parking. Can we charge for parking? Should we buy no parking signs? Emergency vehicles may not be able to get through if cars are parked on both sides of the street.
- Entrance ?– Bradford Pear trees are mature, getting too large, top-heavy, limbs prone to break. Trees may need to be replaced or branches thinned out. Trees need to be trimmed away from power lines. Also need to pressure wash the entrance. Do we want to pay for water sprinklers at the front entrance? Water is needed if we plan to plant flowers.
- How do we dispose of tree limbs/trash that won?’t fit in can? Pay Waste Management extra, haul to dump ourselves, or burn in place. Be respectful of others and weather conditions when burning debris.
- Leash law was discussed. Dogs should be fenced, not allowed to roam the neighborhood. Brenda Johnson has copy of leash law Resolution 90-8-27-15 dated 2/5/01, if you would like a copy.
- A traffic light will not be installed at the HWY 119 intersection. Traffic count is too low at present. All should slow down in neighborhood and observe the 20 m.p.h. speed limit. If you have visitors parking on the street, please don?’t allow parking on the cement covers to the storm drains, as these are fragile and can break from the weight of a car.
- Let?’s continue to observe the Oak Ridge covenants, keep homes/yards maintained, and be respectful of our neighbors, so that Oak Ridge continues to be a great place to live!

6. Mike Allain called for 2004 ORHA Board/Officer Nominations and the following persons agreed to serve:

Mark Coby, Todd Raburn, Ima Heim, Mike and Sandy Evers, and Chris Perkins have agreed to serve on the Board. James Arrington has agreed to stay on as head of the Architectural Committee, and Oak Ridge homeowner Margie Slaughter was nominated (in absentia) to continue as standby neighborhood attorney.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.
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1st Qtr 04 Board Meeting Minutes

Oak Ridge Homeowners Association
Quarterly Board Members?’ Meeting Minutes
1/26/04 6:30 p.m. ?– Home of Mark & Merrilee Coby
1409 Oak Ridge Drive
Minutes Prepared by Mark Coby

1. First meeting of newly elected 2004 Board Members. Members in attendance: Mark Coby, Todd Raburn, Chris Perkins, Mike Evers, Ima Heim. Those absent: Sandy Evers (represented by Mike Evers). Doug Daughhetee stopped by and delivered the latest copy of the neighborhood directory, along with a diskette containing the electronic directory file. Quorum was achieved. Attached agenda for the meeting was reviewed.

2. Officer Positions: Mark Coby was named as President, Todd Raburn as Vice President, Chris Perkins as Treasurer, Ima Heim as Secretary, Mike an Sandy Evers as Social Committee Chairs. Other functions named: Melaina Raburn as the Acorn Newsletter Editor, Chris Perkins to keep the directory updated, Ima Heim and Chris Perkins to also serve on the Social Committee, Mike Evers offered his help on carpentry projects.

3. Quickly reviewed the new web site on www.neighborhoodlink.com.

4. New Business for 2004:

- Treasurer Chris Perkins to check on options with other banks for the bank account to minimize service charges. ORHA paid $64 in bank fees for 2003. Call for 2004 dues to be in the upcoming newsletter.

- 1st Quarter Newsletter to be published by 1/31/04, along with a short version of the neighborhood directory, a copy of the 2003/2002 Financial Report, and an interest survey to solicit feedback. Plans are to publish a newsletter on a quarterly basis and to also provide updated information as needed on the website.

- Mike Evers volunteered to construct a lock box as a place to deposit dues, suggestions, and survey feedback. Box to be placed on the mailbox pole at 1405 Oak Ridge Drive (Home of Todd and Melaina Raburn), which is near the neighborhood entrance.

- For our 1st Quarter activity, it was decided to hold a neighborhood garage sale on Saturday, March 13. Our goal is to plan at least one neighborhood activity per calendar quarter.

- For a 2nd Quarter activity, Social Committee Chair Mike Evers suggested an Easter Egg Hunt be planned for April 10.

- Welcome Activities: Chris Perkins proposed a more active role for ORHA in welcoming newcomers. We presently have two homes for sale in the neighborhood, which will soon present opportunities to welcome newcomers. Board decided to include this activity under the Social Committee.

- Front Entrance: Considerable discussion took place regarding plans for updating the front entrance and what to do about the mature Bradford Pear trees which have reached the power lines. Board plans to form a Landscape Committee, Chaired by Vice President Todd Raburn, to further research options to be decided by a neighborhood vote at a Special Members Meeting. Todd plans to check with Oak Ridge resident Darby Quinn, a Professional Landscape Designer, to see if she is available to help in the effort.

- Also discussed was the ongoing problem of how can we dispose of tree limbs/trash that won?’t fit in can? Todd Raburn plans to contact Waste Management for more information.

5. Next Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 5.

6. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 p.m.

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2nd Qtr 04 Board Meeting Minutes

Oak Ridge Homeowners Association
Quarterly Board Members?’ Meeting Minutes
4/5/04 6:30 p.m. ?– Home of Mark & Merrilee Coby
1409 Oak Ridge Drive
Minutes Prepared by Ima Heim

1. Second quarterly board members meeting. Members in attendance: Mark Coby, Todd & Melaina Raburn, Chris Perkins, Sandy Evers, Ima Heim. Quorum was achieved.

2. Chris reported that 36 homes out of 65 have paid dues. We now have our bank account at Compass bank with no minimum and free checks.

3. Discussed success of garage sale. Fourteen homes participated.

4. Sandy gave overview of interest survey. The activities that seem to have the most people interested was cookout, crawfish boil, canoeing, scrap booking, supper clubs.
Sandy also will be handing out fliers Wednesday for the Easter egg hunt that will take place Saturday the 11th at Sandy?’s from 9:00 ?– 10:00.

5. - Discussed upcoming events. June 26th we planned a cookout/picnic. We will
provide the bread and meat. Those coming will divide up the drinks, side items,
and desserts. Possible locations for cookout would be behind 3 of the officers?’
house on Oakridge Dr. or in the cul-de-sac in front of Ima?’s house.
Time: 4:00 ?– 7:00 PM.
- Todd will be planning a canoe trip for the neighborhood in July.
- Potential co-ed softball to be formed for the neighborhood.
- Possible adult only wine/cheese progressive dinner before school starts in August.

6. Winner of free weekend at Marriott was Heath and Tosha Heinze at 1444 Oakridge Dr.

7. Treasurer Chris Perkins presented 1st Quarter 2004 report with estimated ending balance of $2423.82

8. 2nd Quarter Newsletter to be published by 4/15/04 with a reminder of neighborhood web site. Ask for emails to possibly put on directory.

9. Ima took over the responsibility of keeping the directory up-to-date. The directory will be printed bi-annually in January and July.

10. Sandy will pursue non-payment of dues.

11. Discussed Margie Slaughter?’s concern about speed around corner and asking for a speed bump.

12. Planned a neighborhood meeting for April 26th to vote on landscaping and speed bump. This is to be held at the library at 6:30.

13. Discussed placing letters on windows of cars parking in our neighborhood for the football games informing them of the fire department code.

14. Mark talked to someone about a traffic light. Apparently this is not going to happen.

15. Discussed a possible yard of the month/beautification award voted on by the board. Todd will consider the creation of a sign to place in the winner's yard.

16. Sandy discussed what we are doing for new neighbors or new mothers. New neighbors are getting a frame, newsletter, directory, cookies and a meal. New mothers are getting a burp cloth, big cookie and a meal.

17. We have a new neighbor - Ann Marie Harry with three sons, at 1417 Oakridge Dr., phone number 980-0227.

18. We will establish budget for the rest of the year after the April 26th neighborhood meeting.

19. Next Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday May 3rd.

20. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 p.m.

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4/26/04 Special Meeting Minutes

Oak Ridge Homeowners Association
Neighborhood meeting
4/26/04 6:30 p.m. ?– North Shelby Library
Minutes Prepared by Ima Heim

- Twenty-six Oakridge residents were present at meeting. Quorum was achieved.

- Chris reported that 45 homes out of 65 have paid dues.

- Stella Tipton was present, handed out fliers and talked about running for Shelby county judge.

- Mr. Wyatt, a representative from the Indian Springs village, spoke to us about annexing into Indian Springs.

- Indian Springs incorporated in 1990 to avoid annexing into Pelham or Hoover and to prevent build up on this side of I-65.
- It also annexed in the Oak Mountain Elementary and Middle schools to keep them from being annexed into Hoover.
- Indian Springs does not have city taxes, but makes its money from rebates from Pelham Water, Charter Cable, Alagasco. They also make money form the sale of alcohol, gas, and oil.
- It contracts with a company to maintain the roads.
- There were many questions asked that Mr. Wyatt answered. A few were?…

- Q- What is the benefit to annex? A- Prevents us from being annexed into Pelham or Hoover. If you have a problem with zoning you go to the town hall instead of a county building.
- Q- Do we run the risk of the county saying we have to provide our own police and fire department? A- Hope not. Some legislation is being considered to let municipalities to contract for police and fire protection.
- Q- Would there be any effect on our home owners insurance? A- This should stay the same unless fire district could provide more people and services to lower rates.
- Q- Has OMIS and OMHS annexed into Indian Springs? A- Yes.
- Q- How does this affect home business? Will we have to get a license or permit from Indian Springs? A- If your home business brings a lot of traffic to your house you would. If it doesn?’t you wouldn?’t.
- Q- Do you have to annex the property next to Gary?’s to annex Oakridge? A- No. There are other paths to reach Oakridge.
- Q- Is Heardmont still unincorperated? A- Yes.

- The next topic of discussion was the convenience store/Chevron next to Gary?’s. Draw backs of store would be increased congestion and possibility of kids running across 119 from trailer park. There is to be a hearing at the Indian Springs town hall concerning store on May 18 at 7:00 PM. The developer has promised an evergreen hedge, diffused lighting and a ground level sign.
- Q- Would it have a negative effect on property value? A- Parkside thinks it will. However, some thought Heardmont would reduce property value too.
- Q- Could we ask for things from developer like a sidewalk? A- We can always ask.
- Indian Springs once it annexes the property can rezone one of the five acres closest to Gary?’s for this type of store and keep the other four acres zones as is. The Chevron only wants to build on this property if it is annexed into Indian Springs and will take advice form Indian Springs.
- ORHA will call another meeting before the Chevron hearing to formulate a statement of opinion to be read at the hearing

- The next topic of discussion was the front entrance. Todd gave a presentation with three proposals.
- Proposal one was to trees as is, freshen up mulch and annuals, cost of $100, eventually the trees will die.
- Proposal two was to let the power company cut down the pear trees for free, have the stumps ground, replace with cypress or crepe mertyls, freshen up mulch and annuals, cost $650 based on 7 gallon replacement, estimated time for maturity 8 years.
- Proposal three was for a complete reconstruction, cost $1400, require neighborhood sponsorship.
- Proposal two won the vote with possible addition of irrigation.

- Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
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