Oakleaf Hammock

Neighborhood Daylight Home Burglary 10/15/2009

Posted in: Oakleaf Hammock

Please note that we just had a burglary in the neighborhood.  Everyone needs to come together and form a neighborhood watch.  Since out gates are never closed we are going to have to watch our for each other.  I am not ashamed to say that Ryland has been a big disappointment to me and others I know in Oakleaf.  What is it going to take for Ryland and Sterling Management to get these gates closed and secuity to patrol the community?  Also, the emergency services that went to the scene of the crime could not gain acess through the back gates of the community as they are there for emergency vehicles only.  How about that? 

I know that when my family and I bought our home we choose this location for several reasons and one of them being that it is a gated community and we were supposed to feel safe.  Well that has been lost, ok, taken away.

Ryland is only interested in dollar signs and nothing else.  What's with building these lower income houses in our community?  That is only a sign to bring in more trouble.  We as a community work hard to have nice things and now look whats happening. 

Back to the burglary.  I was told that they were going around knokcing on peoples doors to see if anyone answers and if not, well they may attempt to gain access to your home.  Please keep your alarm armed and windows and doors locked.  Sounds crazy coming from a gated neighborhood, but again Ryland will not do anything to remedy the problem they created and to let you know, when Ryland was called about the break in they said it is not there problem and did not want anything to do with it.  Thanks RYLAND!  You might want to change your phone message and website to read.  PLEASE COME BUY IN A COMMUNITY WHERE RYLAND DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU OR YOUR FAMILY,ONLY YOUR WALLET AND BY THE WAY, WE ARE NOT A GATED COMMUNITY, IT'S A SELLING SCAM TO GET YOU TO BUY.  WELCOME HOME!  


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  • joep
  • Valued Neighbor
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Let me say , I too would be upset if it were my house. But I will also say you really cant blame Ryland for the 5 pieces of human garbage that decided to ransack the neighborhood and break into a house here. Maybe you can start with their parents instead ?


As far as the "security gates" , that is really a misnomer. No unmanned station is really secure at all. They are really privacy gates at best. Anyone can wait across the street for them to open and get in if they really wanted. At best they are a deterrent.


I have built numerous homes with different builders in Fl. and Ryland has been top notch all the way through. I would buy here again in a second. Any yes they are concerned about sales, after all they are in business to make money. I want more traffic so they can sell out the rest of the neighborhood. I would hate for it to go the way of some of the unfinished neighborhoods I have seen in Fl.


Im sure when you bought they told you the gates would be open until construction was done as they did me. If you did not like it, you could have bought elsewhere.


The neighborhood watch is a fine idea as unfortunately crime in Fl is high all over the state. Even the miscreants like the warm weather. But the Ryland bashing about how they don't care about poor us bla bla bla needs to stop. This is a fantastic neighborhood thanks to Ryland and the fine homes they have built.


Thank you Ryland for the great neighborhood !!

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