Is anyone else concerned about the planned restrictions on left turns off Riverside into our neighborhood? As planned all traffic entering Old Town Neighborhood off Riverside can only enter via Olive Street. Olive tends to bear the brunt of Old Town traffic already, I suspect mostly Library traffic, but I also see a surprising number of commuters taking Olive all the way to College and beyond. But as a homeowner living on Olive, I'm not happy that ALL traffic now would be funneled in front of my house.
If we are going to restrict turns, why don't we make the whole stretch from Mulberry to Mountain ''No Left Turn''. Mountain and Mulberry are our collector and arterial; let's use them.
By Steve
If we are going to restrict turns, why don't we make the whole stretch from Mulberry to Mountain ''No Left Turn''. Mountain and Mulberry are our collector and arterial; let's use them.
By Steve