Old West End Neighborhood Association

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Old West End Neighborhood Association

OWENA By-Laws 2005

Revision of OWENA By-Laws approved October 12, 1999, proposed by B.K. Swartz, Jr.

Green - editorial changes, Red - substantive changes requiring electoral approval


The name of the organization shall be "Muncie's Old West End, Inc." Neighborhood Association, henceforth referred to as the Association.

ARTICLE II - Purpose
The purpose of the Corporation Association is to improve on the quality of life within those these boundaries defined in these By-Laws. The Corporation Association has been organized exclusively as a corporation for charitable purposes as stated under the State of Indiana Internal Revenue Code.

ARTICLE III - Membership and Dues

A. Membership Requirements:
Members of the Association must be a property owner or resident, eighteen (18) years or older, within the boundaries and paying yearly dues as prescribed in the By-Laws. In recruitment, making general policy, and providing public service the Association shall not favor any person, or any group of people within the district.

B. Boundaries:
The Association is bounded on the west and by the White River, north to by the White River, south to the south by the Norfolk and Southern Railroad, and on the east to the alley running parallel between Franklin and Liberty Streets.

C. Dues:
Members of the Association shall pay dues each year. Individual membership dues will be set by the Board od of Directors, to be paid by August 31st.

ARTICLE IV - Meetings and Membership

A. Membership Meetings: At least four (4) meetings of the members, including the annual meeting shall be held each year at times and places designated by the Board of Directors.

1. Annual Meetings: The annual meeting of members, for the purpose of electing
directors and officers, shall be held in the month of July each year. Officers shall
assume their positions take office on August 1st following their elections.

2. Special Meetings: Either the Board of Directors, the President, or twenty-five
(25) percent of the total membership may call a special meeting of the membership,
fixing a time and place for such meeting and requesting the Secretary to give notice
in the manner provided for in Section B below.

B. Notice of Meetings: A written notice, stating the place, day and hour time of the meeting, and including any business to be transacted at such a meeting (including any
proposed amendment to the articles of Incorporation to be voted upon) shall be delivered
or mailed by the Secretary to each member of the Association at least five (5) days before
prior to the date of the meeting.

C. Election of Officers and Directors: The President shall appoint a Nomination Committee of not less than four (4) active members for the purpose of nominating Directors and Officers to be elected at the annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall submit its nominees to the Secretary ten (10) days before the annual meeting. in each year. Additional nominees may be submitted from the floor by any voting member.

D. Voting: Every member of the Association in attendance shall be is entitled to one vote at the annual meeting or any special meeting were a membership vote is required. Matters of proper procedure at such meetings shall be according to the latest revised edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.

ARTICLE V - Board of Directors

A. Composition: The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members and shall include, in addition to the Oofficers of the Association, five (5) other members. Officer Directors and Directors shall be elected to serve a one (1) year term or until their successors are elected. The directors so elected shall take office August 1st, following their election.

B. Meetings: The Board shall hold conduct regular meetings at least quarterly on a quarterly basis and at such times it designates, and or upon the call of the President or any four (4) directors. Special meetings may be held as necessary. Notice of all meetings shall be given provided by mail or telephone at least three (3) days prior to the time designated.

C. Vacancy and Removal: A majority of the Board shall have the power to fill the a vacancy created by the resignation or inability to serve of any Director. This shall be done by appointment to serve until the next annual meeting. In the event of willful misconduct adversely reflecting affecting upon the Association, any Director may be removed by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the total Board of Directors or 50%+1 a majority of the general membership.

D. Duties: The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the Association, carrying out to the best of their ability any policies adopted by the members and shall be authorized to undertake any action consistent both with the general purpose of the Association and within its financial ability which as not been specifically disapproved by the members. All major activities undertaken for the general purpose goals of the of the Association by the Board of Directors shall be reported to at the next regular meeting of the Association.

E. Quorum: At any meeting of the Board of Directors, five (5) members must be present in person at such meetings to constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE VI. - Officers

The Oofficers of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice President a Secretary,and a Treasurer, to be elected annually by the membership at its annual meeting, The Board of Directors may establish and designate such assistance to any of the above Oofficers or to the Ddirectors as may be required from time to time.

A. Qualifications: Each elected Oofficer shall be an active member of the Association and must live within the Bboundaryies set established by the Association. An active member is defined as a dues paying member in good standing, one who has participated in at least one project, and has attended at least one-half (1/2) of of the general membership meeting of during the prior previous year.

B. Vacancies and Removal: An Officer may be removed by a majority of the active members present and and voting at any membership meeting duly called for such purpose, or in the case of willful misconduct adversely reflecting upon effecting the Association, by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership of the Board of Directors or 50% + 1 a majority of the general membership. Whenever a vacancy shallmay occur, it shall be filled by the Board of Directors until the next meeting of the members of the Association when at which time a successor shall be elected for the unexpired term of such the vacated office.

C. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and its Board of Directors. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, with the exception the nomination committee, and perform such duties as may be as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Association.

D. Vice President: The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President and shall have all the power of that office in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall have additional duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors of the association or by the President.

E. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep the funds of the Association, shall collect dues, and shall together with the President, sign all checks of the Association, shall and report at the regular meetings of the Board of Trustees and Association meetings. An internal audit will be conducted thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting by the Audit Committee. A report of the Association's financial status including audit information, will be given distributed to attending members at the annual meeting by the Treasurer.

F. Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain the records of the Association, and shall keep prepare minutes of all meetings of the members and Board of Directors membership and board meetings. The Secretary shall prepare and deliver notice to all members of general meetings and board members of board meetings and as ell as notify the local newspaper and other appropriate local media.

ARTICLE VII - Standing Committees

The Standing committees are committees defined in the By-Laws as well as other committees deemed necessary by the President of the Board of Directors. These committees will consist of at least one (1) board member and at least two (2) members of the Ggeneral Mmembership when if possible.

A. Newsletter and Membership Committee.
1. This committee will be is responsible for the timely publication and distribution of
the newsletter to the membership on, at least, a quarterly basis.
2. This committee will be responsible for greeting new people residents and property
owners in the Association areas district as well as current residents and property
owners. The committee will also be responsible for designing and maintaining an
informational brochure on the about the Association.

B. Neighborhood Beautification Committee.
1. This committee is responsible for the planning and organization of the spring and
fall spring clean up with Muncie clean city, contacting members on time and space
through the local Muncie newspaper and the Association newsletter.
2. This committee shall Rreport to the membership information on available projects
for beautification and home maintenance programs available for the Association
areas (ie C.D. such as paint programs, etc. and any other duties deemed necessary
by the President of the Board of Directors.

C. Holiday Tour Committee: This committee will be responsible for the planning, organization and interpretation of the annual Holiday Home Tour.

D. C.Historical History Committee: This committee will collect and maintain pertinent records dealing with the historical aspects of the Association areas and buildings
structures, and make these records are available to all Association members.

E. Muncie Alliance of Neighborhood Association (MANA) Representative and Alternate: The MANA Representative will attend all MANA meetings and be an active participant representing the interest of the members of the Association area and buildings, and make these records available to all Association members.

F. D. Audit Committee: This committee shall consist of the Board President, Treasurer, and two (2) general members. The committee will meet thirty (3) days prior to the annual meeting to verify accounts payable income and account balance. This report will be given to the membership at the annual meeting.

G. E. Fund Raising Committee: This committee wall investigate ideas for raising funds for the Association. This committee is empowered to create sub-committees to implement those ideas. i.e. cook books, block festivals, etc. None of the assets of the Association should be expended for individual benefit.

H.. Membership Committee: This committee will be responsible for greeting new people in the Association areas district as well as current residents The committee will also be responsible for designing and maintaining an informational brochure on the the Association.

ARTICLE VIII - The Representative will attend all MANA meetings and be an active participant representing the interest of the general members of the Association and make these records available to all Association members.

ARTICLE VIII - Dissolution of the Corporation
In the event of Corporation dissolution, any remaining assets will be distributed to one or more organization(s) which are tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3), of the Internal Revenue Code.

ARTICLE IX - Amending the By-Laws
The By-Laws of Muncie's Old West End, Inc. Neighborhood Association can be amended by the reading and approval of the amendment(s) at one (1) meeting of the Board of Directors and one (1) meeting of the general membership Copies of the revised By-Laws shall be received by the members five (5) days prior to the meeting


About our association

Old West End Neighborhood Association

The Old West End Neighborhood Association was recently reorganized in November 2004. We have newly elected officers and board members and are interested in all residents in the Old West End participating in our organization....more to come!

Officers for 2004 - 2005

President Stephan Howick
Vice President Josh Williams
Secretary Carrie Robinson
Treasurer Doris Ressl

Board Members for 2004 - 2005

Ben Swartz
Jeff Weiss
Stefania Aegisdottir
Lezlie McCroy
David Sherrill
Connie Higgins

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