Just for grins, I searched back to January 28, 2006 where this Coyote and Roadrunner took over as webmasters. There were 25 posts in that thread that after reading, if I were Coyote or Roadrunner, I would have quit then. It?’s like people were waiting for someone to stick their necks out so they could chop off their heads.
The very next day a posting was deleted and the spit hit the fan. Fortunately it was an honest mistake admitted to and explained by Roadrunner but he/she was still vilified for making a mistake or perhaps admitting a mistake. What I found most interesting about the first thread I mentioned is that in it was a posting from a former webmaster calling herself webmaster one. Now we are once again talking about deleted postings and webmaster one?’s name comes up, albeit now in one of the deleted threads.
We move on a week and are chastised by someone posting under the mayor?’s name. Was it really him or was it someone just typing it in? I don?’t know but the whole subject of anonymous postings, personal attacks, vulgarity and such comes up however, in the ensuing drama that can only take place at PATA, no postings are deleted.
I guess what I am saying here is that postings on this site are cyclic. Things come and go on a pretty regular schedule. During the warmer months of during sorts seasons things just naturally die off. But come the cold months when we are house bound, we suffer through the slings and arrows and now apparently deleted postings by ?“former?” webmasters.
Then about August Coyote quits. That leaves Roadrunner and webmaster one. Wait ?– in September 06 we again have deleted postings with the admission of webmaster one and/or closet webmaster that they thought the postings crossed the line and were deleted. After a long hiatus, Roadrunner chimes in on a posting claiming, I say claiming to be out trying to have a life instead of spending every waking moment reading PATA. Then a few months later, Roadrunner again emerges to tell about website improvements and is never heard from again.
Guess what people! There is no Roadrunner or webmaster one or anything. One alias reports good news and one is the heavy. Or just some sap in the audience makes this stuff up.
The webmaster must be from the PATA golden days because they are deleting anti-Fix postings. Fix himself claims to have given birth to PATA. It was all his idea and his money that financed it. Well, naturally you would expect the organization he claims to own would take a dim view of people insulting him. Funny part is that there were much more suspect postings against the mayor than have ever been seen about Fix but those weren?’t deleted.
So Jeff Fix owns PATA and still swings a pretty big hammer with the webmasters, whoever they are (or she is). I expect we will see the tide turn in this forum to the point where the picture on the PATA home page of Violet City Hall is replaced with the Pillsbury Dough Boy smoking a cigarette with that smug smile on his face saying ?“I can get away with absolutely A N Y T H I N G.?”
The very next day a posting was deleted and the spit hit the fan. Fortunately it was an honest mistake admitted to and explained by Roadrunner but he/she was still vilified for making a mistake or perhaps admitting a mistake. What I found most interesting about the first thread I mentioned is that in it was a posting from a former webmaster calling herself webmaster one. Now we are once again talking about deleted postings and webmaster one?’s name comes up, albeit now in one of the deleted threads.
We move on a week and are chastised by someone posting under the mayor?’s name. Was it really him or was it someone just typing it in? I don?’t know but the whole subject of anonymous postings, personal attacks, vulgarity and such comes up however, in the ensuing drama that can only take place at PATA, no postings are deleted.
I guess what I am saying here is that postings on this site are cyclic. Things come and go on a pretty regular schedule. During the warmer months of during sorts seasons things just naturally die off. But come the cold months when we are house bound, we suffer through the slings and arrows and now apparently deleted postings by ?“former?” webmasters.
Then about August Coyote quits. That leaves Roadrunner and webmaster one. Wait ?– in September 06 we again have deleted postings with the admission of webmaster one and/or closet webmaster that they thought the postings crossed the line and were deleted. After a long hiatus, Roadrunner chimes in on a posting claiming, I say claiming to be out trying to have a life instead of spending every waking moment reading PATA. Then a few months later, Roadrunner again emerges to tell about website improvements and is never heard from again.
Guess what people! There is no Roadrunner or webmaster one or anything. One alias reports good news and one is the heavy. Or just some sap in the audience makes this stuff up.
The webmaster must be from the PATA golden days because they are deleting anti-Fix postings. Fix himself claims to have given birth to PATA. It was all his idea and his money that financed it. Well, naturally you would expect the organization he claims to own would take a dim view of people insulting him. Funny part is that there were much more suspect postings against the mayor than have ever been seen about Fix but those weren?’t deleted.
So Jeff Fix owns PATA and still swings a pretty big hammer with the webmasters, whoever they are (or she is). I expect we will see the tide turn in this forum to the point where the picture on the PATA home page of Violet City Hall is replaced with the Pillsbury Dough Boy smoking a cigarette with that smug smile on his face saying ?“I can get away with absolutely A N Y T H I N G.?”