It won't be Steve
If that boob realized how universally despised he has become and what a laughingstock he is among even his most ''ardent'' supporters, he would slip into an unrecoverable depression.
And if he realized the crowd reaction to his dissertation at the national honor society induction last week he would vow to never speak in public again. What a joke that was. Even the kids being inducted first were scratching their heads and what the heck he was talking about but he has now been elevated to Commons Comedy. Stop in for the Shaver Stand Up Show. They are doing great impersonations of him.
My take
I'm going to this 'pat myself on the back fest'. It would have been nice for reporter to tell anybody else where this event will take place for those who read her drivel.
It's rare to get all these people in one format...so the article says. Well, what a nice time to discuss an economic agreement. It's a shame they can all meet together and not do any business. Thank goodness we pay them. There's no other format where that happens the article continues...well at least not in public.
Pickerington officials made several additions in 2006, such as hiring a development director, staff engineer, and an assistant finance director...Mayor says it increases the city's expertise by leaps and bounds! Wow! The dev. director's suggestions to the ecoagreement were thrown out with the bathwater. Is the township going to help pay for the engineer and asst. fin. dir. in the ecoagreement or does the township freeload again?
The city enacted more comprehensive design standards for commercial properties and residences. Why hasn't the township done the same? Lord knows they need it commercially with all that's coming. Home rule, schmome rule. Heck, they are just getting to an access mgmt. plan that should have been started say, 20 years ago!
The city has collected nearly $1 million in impact fees. Now, let's make sure we support an agreement where the home rule schmome rule township doesn't collect impact fees and stops you from annexing! This is well thought out. Is this part of the pie in the sky 5 point plan that you pulled out of your collective rectums when the moratorium ended?
Suggesting workshops...are the insane are running the asylum? I'll look for you at the shindig. I'll be the guy carrying the straight jackets for those who should be wearing them.
By Will be there
Staff Engineer?
You get what you pay for. Qualified and experienced engineers never applied given the pittance Jumpy Judy was offering. We ended up with a reject from a reputable firm whose crowning glory is lowering the speed limit on Hill Road to 35. I can't wait to see how many millions she will add to the sewer plant design to leave her mark on our city. But hey, she has two votes on Service in her pocker, I believe was her quote.
Design standards and impact fees?
Certainly they wouldn't have the gall to take credit for something they simply inherited?
We don't need no steenking workshops. We have the leaders of miltibillion dollar companies running this city. Certainly they are qualified to run workshops for free.
Welcome my friends
To the show that never ends. Is there a Q and A period? I didn't think so. It might go like this.
Yes, you there, about to get your ox gored.
Uh, Mayor, Ben Casey, This Minute in Picktown. How come there wasn't any discussion about the township's response to the eco-hostage, I mean economic developement agreement at the last council meeting?
Excuse me, EXCUSE ME! David Owned, Times Moon, could I get a picture of me and the handsome guy who wanted to be judge?
Eastsouth Massager here...mmmm, quotes from the eco. director seem at odds with the agreement. How come he's the only person at city hall with any testicles?
Now just hold on! As a representative of Violent Clownship, I demand you stop trying to screw up our screwing of the incorporated peasents! Except you assistant finance director. Make sure you leave yourself a slice of the pie.
(From somewhere in the back of the room) PsssT! Hey Bryan do you have a minute to talk some sense here. You're the only guy to have really done any land use checking and financial analysis.
Thanks Rich Kirkards! Maybe we could meet at the Grapevine and that way you don't have to hear it through the Grapevine. That's how we get our info, you know, being in the council minority.
Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow!
By I'll be there, too.