You know it is sad that people in the township and city call Pickerington hills, the slums of Pickerington. Jeff Fix never step foot in this neighborhood for his campain that I can recall. Yet he steps into the one neighborhood that strongly apposed his Economic Development Agreement and trys to get them to say no to issue 9. I am amazed that anyone in Pickerington Hills would ever listen to what Jeff Fix has to say, since he is the one who wanted the 30 year agreement with the township. Jeff Fix will come back with another 30 year agreement, that is his plan. He wants a no vote on 9. We in Pickerington Hills are your strong voting section of Pickerington, and we do not want your 30 years of half our taxes and city rights taken away. Without the council having the right to give away our city rights. Jeff Fix can not have his 30 economic agreement. I don't want to give half my taxes to the township, then the city out only raise our taxes to correct the income they have lost.