Something stinks
Isn't this in the proposed JEDD area? I thought the JEDD area was manditory involvement within 1 mile either side of 33? So if the JEDD is put in place, aren't Acari and McGrory inaccurately marketing it as no income tax? Unless the JEDD isn't going to have an income tax. And if the JEDD is voluntary involvement, it's clear to see they won't be involved by their no income tax marketing. Either way these former taxpayer paid economic developement director's have been least to themselves, it seems.
By Pee Yew
Isn't this in the proposed JEDD area? I thought the JEDD area was manditory involvement within 1 mile either side of 33? So if the JEDD is put in place, aren't Acari and McGrory inaccurately marketing it as no income tax? Unless the JEDD isn't going to have an income tax. And if the JEDD is voluntary involvement, it's clear to see they won't be involved by their no income tax marketing. Either way these former taxpayer paid economic developement director's have been least to themselves, it seems.
By Pee Yew