5 to 2 votes
I understand at the re-org meeting Keith Smith and Jeff Fix voted against Cristie Hammond for President. I guess this shows that when these two are in the minority they CAN'T handle it. Instead of voting to show some sort of unity at the beginning of the session they vote to show division. Considering the fact that they must address some serious budget issues this year this doesn't appear to be a very good start for our new council or our citizens.
These are the same two individuals that seem to have been blindsided by the budget short falls caused mainly by the growth slowing. Both have been members of the Finance Committee the last two years and instead of addressing the issue they certain were aware of they chose to support the wasted time giving away half of our taxes to the township. Their predictions of MILLIONS will never appear on our city hall door steps in my life time. I doubt my kids will ever see it either.
It is time to put aside the fluff and the B.S. and make some hard choices. It is time Pickerington took care of its own first and worried about the township later. Apparently partisan politics will prevail over the next 12 months as they try to get Weltlich elected commissioner.