No increase for you
There is no increase for you if you pay Lancaster city income taxes.
Lancaster's income tax rate - 1.75% Therefore you will still pay the .5% to Pickerington that you currently do but you will NOT pay any additional taxes.
Straight from the Pickerington City website.
1) If you live in the City of Pickerington and work outside the City of Pickerington, your situation is more complicated. For the vast majority of those who fall into this category, you will not be subject to any additional income tax. If you work in any city where the income tax rate is already 1.5% or higher, Issue 14 will give you full credit for the taxes you pay to the city where you work up to 1.5%. You will still owe 0.5% to the City of Pickerington, which is exactly what you are paying today. The City estimates that as many as 80% of our residents fall into this category.
If you work in a city where the income tax rate is below 1.5%, you will experience an increase in your overall taxes. That increase would be limited to 1% regardless of where you live and most likely would not exceed 0.5%.