I do not agree
I do not agree this is more important than Mr. Laramee's letter, but then I might just be disagreeing with you.
Will you please clarify if the $5.4M is scholarships OFFERED or scholarships USED? Also will you please find out how many Pickerington Grads, both scholarship and non-scholarship attend college for more than 1 year?
- markuher
- Respected Neighbor
- 283 Posts
Scholarship Information
The $5.4 million of scholarship funds awarded to PHS graduates this past year was a fact published on the PLSD school calendar. I don't have any additional information.
If you wish to have your questions answered, I would suggest you put your questions in writing and mail it to a district official. Please make sure you include your name and address so they can send you the answers to your questions.
My only intent was to correct the incorrect statement offered by PATA contact person, Bob Harding and another individual that only 55% of PHS graduates attend college. That information was completely false.
In addition, you may wish to obtain a copy of Columbus Monthly where it compares high schools and notes that over 90% of PHS graduates will attend college at some point following high school. As I stated, 74.6% of the 2001 graduates are currently in college and others will probably start within a year.
And, finally, I find it hard to believe that anyone would think that a personal problem that Mr. Laramee had with the Pickerington Republican Club is more important than the success of our high school graduates.
One more question
I am sorry you find it so hard to believe but there are issues of equal or greater importance in the community than the schools. As a Township resident, you might not share that opinion and that is fine. My intent is not to anger or insult you. You seem to have access to information that I don?’t and I am just asking. Also, I am not the only Anonymous posting here so please don?’t confuse me with more adversarial ones. I realize that can be difficult, but for the time being, I have my reasons.
The reason I asked the question about the $5.4M is that it is an easy assumption to make that this is the total amount of scholarships offered rather than actually used. I assume that LaToya received multiple large dollar offers, only one or a few of which she accepted. So the unused offers could actually be deducted from the total, right?
- markuher
- Respected Neighbor
- 283 Posts
More Answers
I agree. There are community issues that are more important than our schools. I only said that I thought our schools were more important than an individual's very personal problems with a local group.
Mr. Laramee's personal problems with the Pickerington Republican Club are his problems, not the community. If as Mr. Laramee claimed, the mailing was deceptive there were legal recourses to take, that I assume Mr. Laramee did not take. I believe as a public servant in our community, Mr. Laramee's letter was an embarrassment to public office where he works. I assumed he shared the letter with his boss before mentioning her name in the letter.
In terms of scholarships, the $5.4 million was awarded not just offered to the Class of 2001. And, you are right, some scholars have multiple offers. In my oldest son's class, well over half of the graduates received scholarship awards.
We should be most proud of how successful our graduates are.