Thanks For The Explanation
Disagreements seem to be on many fronts. It is unfortunate when long-standing loyalty gets hurt in the process. Mr. Laramee has worked for many years, for many candidates. He is a wealth of knowledge and support.
I guess the one thing that I would point out is that according to his account, the meeting was to have started at about 9:00pm. 9:30pm is 30 minutes late. Most people do like to meet promptly so they can get home to their families. I believe prudence would make any club member seek out the meeting first to see if there would be a later start since the Candidate Night went longer than expected.
Disagreement over who would be endorsed seems very strong. There is an appearance of fractured opinions vs. consensus views. Thank you for enlightening us with your side of the story.
Further thanks are in order for your dedication to the political process.
Disagreements seem to be on many fronts. It is unfortunate when long-standing loyalty gets hurt in the process. Mr. Laramee has worked for many years, for many candidates. He is a wealth of knowledge and support.
I guess the one thing that I would point out is that according to his account, the meeting was to have started at about 9:00pm. 9:30pm is 30 minutes late. Most people do like to meet promptly so they can get home to their families. I believe prudence would make any club member seek out the meeting first to see if there would be a later start since the Candidate Night went longer than expected.
Disagreement over who would be endorsed seems very strong. There is an appearance of fractured opinions vs. consensus views. Thank you for enlightening us with your side of the story.
Further thanks are in order for your dedication to the political process.