I think he will apply
I bet Mr. Claffey applied for the job before and did not get it. I think they really need him. If they get him I guess we won't be worrying too much about quality spin.
You get what you pay for.
I guess we all get our money's worth with This Weak.
Justify the bucks
Explain to me why a City of 10,000 would pony up $45,000.00 a year +plus benefits+ -- around $56K.
Lets see that?’s over 40% of all the Business Income Tax dollars from 2001coming into the City.
Why would anyone in his or her right mind approve of such expenditure?
Seems to me the story is not about the reporter, rather more about the funds being blown and the increasing rate of the expenses.
By Alan Greenspan
For some time I?’ve been noticing the differences in the coverage of our local print media. We?’ve got one that only printed the one-sided point of view. The others contacted both sides as they wrote their stories. Guess it?’s their right, but it sure illustrates their slant.
I only hope PATA keeps digging because they sure are unearthing a world of information that people should know about.
By the Archive?’er