TIF area
This area is a TIF area for the city, they anticipate several hotels, a medium retail complex etc. The recently cleared land is owned by ''Emerald City LLC'' I do not know the priniples of this LLC since these creative LLC names mask the owners,they are often based out of state even if the owners are residents of Ohio for tax purposes.
Part of this TIF is the construction of a road and small bridge in this cleared area paid for by diverted school and fire department taxes.
The AMA plans to expand and the expansion is in the TIF.
Daryl Berry owns land here too or once did in the recent past. Because the area near the AMA is wooded, at least the part not yet cut down, we anticipate that Mr. Berry or those like him may try to build condos there at some time in the future as the zoning the city placed on the property, through emergency legislation of course, allows for mixed development, including homes. Just what we need more rooftops on valuable commercial land.