Community Authority
It is time that we all work together to end this rein of uncontrolled elected leaders that have cost us all so much in recent years. They appear to be controlled by the BIA and the tactics they are using in Hilliard are the very same tactics they are using here. I hope everyone caught the article in the This Week in Hilliard. Where our Mayor and City Manager were explaining to the Hilliard Service committee about ''THEIR COMMUNITY AUTHORITY'' and how great it is. They even claimed to be doing a study on roads along with funding for the schools. Are they just precious.
It is time that we all work together to end this rein of uncontrolled elected leaders that have cost us all so much in recent years. They appear to be controlled by the BIA and the tactics they are using in Hilliard are the very same tactics they are using here. I hope everyone caught the article in the This Week in Hilliard. Where our Mayor and City Manager were explaining to the Hilliard Service committee about ''THEIR COMMUNITY AUTHORITY'' and how great it is. They even claimed to be doing a study on roads along with funding for the schools. Are they just precious.